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About mssainttropez

  • Rank
    Sunbather, Moonchaser, Queen of Empathy
  • Birthday September 21

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  • Interests
    music, cinema (letterboxd: @sophialaluna), skincare + makeup, my cats, vegan food, YOU
  • Fan Since
    2014 (casual) 2019 (hardcore)

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  1. That one girl on tiktok showing her nails and her kitty I’m assuming this is meant to be a joke, but as a woman it’s just really icky
  2. Mine has been glitching a lot lately to the point where it won’t even load, and I think it’s because i have too many mods
  3. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Beautiful People Beautiful Problems vs Brooklyn Baby
  4. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLnesU5K/ the comments are sending me because everyone thinks they know what happened and there’s so much conflicting information
  5. mssainttropez


    https://www.instagram.com/p/C7O_8rOO8_x/?igsh=MTJiMzhkMHM5MWx5Zw== The caption being “who me?” made my LDR brain go to “LANA LANA.” I wonder if she was referencing BTD.
  6. This right here. I’ve been thinking this every time someone makes a harsh comment about her show. Lana is just living live and she’s clearly happy so we should enjoy that for her!! There’s ways to critique a show without bashing Lana or any of the other people involved. The bottom line is Lana is happy and the show was fun <3
  7. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Cola vs Body Electric
  8. The way this account stole one of my tiktoks about Lana
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7GJY8ntcby/?igsh=MWJkd2FocXZvbTl6aQ==
  10. Ugh she’s so stunning. The lil shoutout to Phoenix melted my heart
  11. I accidentally just hid someone’s iconic signature, how do I undo that?
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