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Dark Angel

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About Dark Angel

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  1. i'm pretty sure one of her favorite songs is dream brother, which is personally my favorite jeff buckley song
  2. same, intuitively, kamala harris being president just seems so out of reach, she's a woman, and she isn't white, and although i want to be optimistic and have faith in her, but people here are most certainly still prejudiced whether knowingly or unknowingly, and i honestly feel like it's gotten worse in the past few years... a woman being our president just seems so surreal, especially in this election, that i can't help but feel doubtful, but you never know what can happen, the past few weeks have been pretty crazy and we've got a few months left to go
  3. one of the most stunning and haunting songs i have ever heard...
  4. i'm from MN and tim walz is polarizing here, some people seem to really hate him so that's interesting to see, i don't think it's gonna happen though
  5. you are taking their post WAY too seriously and also incorrectly i'm pretty sure
  6. i have a feeling you're going to become an iconic lanaboards member, just by username alone you should make a thread in the introductions section!
  7. i was thinking earlier, that if harris does win, i worry that backlash from trump supporters would be even worse if it was joe biden or another candidate, considering she's a woman... obviously there will be backlash and very angry people regardless, but i feel like the vitrol will be worse since she's a woman, and i just know some insecure pathetic radicalized andrew tate-stanning young men out there would completely seethe at a woman being in office... but that's not to say she shouldn't run, or that we should be afraid, obviously, just an observation
  8. everybody in the comment section crying about him dropping out, saying he was betrayed and done dirty... delusional
  9. the president and vice president can't be from the same state?
  10. can i just say that i hate it when people hate on kamala harris for her laugh? she cannot help how her laugh sounds! let the girl laugh! let the girl be jolly and happy and silly IN PEACE!
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