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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. Can I apply to apply? I'd love to host some shows but I can't really make an organized application post right now because I'm not on my computer. My name is Hundred Dollar Bill. I'd like to be called Hundred Dollar Bill, or just Bill if HDB is too much for anyone. I have a mic but I can't record myself from mobile, duh. I'm 17, and I can host any weekend, although I'll need to be notified a bit beforehand incase I've got plans. Eastern time, in America and I speak English. I'm a male. Pleeeaasseee don't be too late for my application! I'd love to help out.
  2. *I wasn't anything, It wasn't anything.
  3. Fair point, but reread this. She evolved from her Lizzy Grant era, I'm sure she'll evolve from her BTD era, too. Most artists do, pretty much every artist does, I'd say.
  4. My unpopular opinions: Lucky Ones is the best song on BTD. The album version of Dark Paradise is annoying and melodramatic. I don't care that Lana has become a caricature of herself because I think she should do what she wants with her career, in terms of her writing style and all. If she wants to fit a certain ideal in her mind, go for it. I like both albums and I enjoy the diversity between them. I don't care that she isn't Lizzy Grant anymore. Every artist is going to/needs to evolve at some point, for themselves. Also, guys, she has a nose job. It's so fucking obvious. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: I think her nose looked way better before she got it done. It still looks fine, though.
  5. I like the dark undertone of the photo-shoot. I think it's fitting, she is Lana Del Rey after all. I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman wanting to show off her body. Some might think it's degrading, but I personally believe that the human body is beautiful and I love the pictures in the shoot. I think more people should embrace their bodies instead of covering them up. I'd say it's pretty obvious from this shoot that Lana is comfortable with herself, and that's awesome.
  6. What are you even talking about. Not me! I voted Dark Paradise. :haha:
  7. OH, I SEE HOW IT IS. LUCKY ONES IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU ALL ANYWAY. Born To Die 16 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 15 Diet Mountain Dew 15 National Anthem 16 Dark Paradise 15 - Radio 15 Carmen 15 Million Dollar Man 15 Summertime Sadness 14 This Is What Makes Us Girls 14 Without You 19 Lolita 13 Lucky Ones 9 +
  8. She's fairly popular here, considering I live in Florida. I know a handful of people that like her, but they're by no means actual fans. I've only got one friend that really likes her music, which is pretty awesome because we usually never agree in terms of musical tastes.
  9. Svanur means "swan" in Icelandic.
  10. Judging all of you that think Lucky Ones is the worst. It's obviously the best. Dark Paradise is the worst, how can anyone even stand the melodramatic chorus I will never understand.
  11. Oh look, I'm the only vote for Lucky Ones. I will never understand why people dislike it so much. That and Hundred Dollar Bill slay all your faves, k.
  12. Lucky Ones Million Dollar Man Born to Die Summertime Sadness Off to the Races Blue Jeans Radio Video Games This Is What Makes Us Girls Without You Diet Mountain Dew National Anthem Carmen Lolita Dark Paradise
  13. I'm sure someone knows how, but can't we just get someone to buy it off iTunes and send it to us if we can't afford it?
  14. Monicker, I have missed you so much. Anyway, I like the idea. It would get kind of messy in preparation though because of all the different release dates, I think.
  15. Good luck to everyone! I'd love to enter, but I'm terrible at drawing. It will be nice to see all the submitted art though.
  16. Has anyone seen this video yet? The amount of shade Brit throws: priceless.
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