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Everything posted by gloomyharlow

  1. Lime water Taken on the same day as well. True. Or leave it try naturally and wavy.
  2. New video clip https://www.instagram.com/p/BFsP_s3TAUQ/?taken-by=honeymoon
  3. This is why I have zero interests in meeting celebrities even Lana. Just give me the music and cool music videos, and thank you very much. I live in New York and have seen some big name celebrities in Madison Ave and Soho. I never go up to them or say anything. I look at them for a minute without them noticing and walk on. I prefer living in the fantasy of what they might be like then what they are like because most times they will never live up to the image that you have of them, not even Lana.
  4. I do hope she stops filling her lips. Big lips aren't a big deal anymore. It's the butt that's all the rage now lol
  5. Her cheeks look fine to me. She's always had cheeks like that more so since she gained weight over time.
  6. Yes, this is pretty much the closest to her natural hair color. Going by her roots that you can see occasionally and her childhood pictures.
  7. Smoking is the worst thing a woman could do to destroy her looks.
  8. I love your album artwork. Can you post them larger? I would love to put a few of these in my windows media cover art for for some of the Kitten stuff I have if that's okay with you of course.
  9. Barrie and Franny weren't exactly considered gorgeous either. I don't think Lana cares about looks. Yes she does look amazing considering how she was looking last year.
  10. I love Duran Duran! So happy Lana got to meet them!
  11. She looks amazing! She is the parking lot queen! It's amazing how she's so loved everywhere she goes! And maybe that is her new boyfriend.
  12. This means new music soon!
  13. New video clip she added of LZ "Thank You' song. She looks stunning. https://www.instagram.com/p/BE4st7rlnut/?taken-by=lanadelrey
  14. I know right? They have very similar voices. It would be beautiful.
  15. Then there's Lou Reed (Brooklyn Baby) and Glen Frey (singer of the Eagles and writer for Hotel California)
  16. Lana visited Lykke Li's home and recorded the launch of Lykke Li's new band. This picture was taken there. Lana recorded the session https://www.instagram.com/p/BEcXtYxTAVG/?taken-by=honeymoon I'm amazed Lana is friends with Lykke as I'm a huge Lykke fan as well!
  17. Her hair looks like the same color to me. More at the Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3555571/Lana-Del-Rey-rocks-laid-look-enjoys-retail-therapy-sunny-afternoon-Malibu.html
  18. I'm not a fan of hers or her music but I went on youtube as well and saw a clip from Saturday's show. She has an incredible body. I need to drop the sodas and chips. Summer is right around the corner. Why didn't she just credit the person so the drama would have calmed? This is why I hate social media and would never join it. I'm only on tumblr and I stay away from drama. I don't blame Halsey for closing her twitter. The drama is useless.
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