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Everything posted by gloomyharlow

  1. That's what I mean. Lana's dark hair has never looked this light even under the sun. Her hair's too blonde in this one.
  2. Thanks, I thought it was from Coachella this year.
  3. It can't be. Lana's hair is blonde in this picture. She's no longer blonde....has to be before...
  4. Does anyone have another link to that video? it was removed from youtube before I got a chance to view it.
  5. Date unknown but obviously taken before Lana went back to brunette. Picture taken by Father John Misty's wife Emma Elizabeth Tillman. http://lovetheghost.tumblr.com/
  6. New video https://www.instagram.com/p/BHQ2p5QjLMV/?taken-by=lanadelrey
  7. It doesn't matter how she releases the album because if the album isn't that good it won't chart well. BTD is still in the top 200 despite it being released years ago. UV sold incredible well. HM didn't do that well.
  8. As long as she's not singing High By The Beach....I don't think Leo would appreciate that one too much lol
  9. At least I know I am not doing anything wrong and it isn't just me. They should really take down the registration option. At least there is a Marina thread here to be updated on her. She was in NY a few days ago and put on a beautiful show.
  10. I have been trying to register to Marinaboards for the past few days. Everything goes through but the part where I am suppose to receive and e-mail to confirm my e-mail address. It never comes to me. I sent resend over dozens of times and nothing. I then edit my e-mail address again and put another one and nothing. I click resend to the new e-mail address I put in and nothing. Again. I checked all spam and junk folders. Nothing. Is the Marinaboards no longer allowing new members or is it something else? Is someone else going through the same thing?
  11. Her hair looks really nice despite the months of bleaching, redding, blonding, lighter blonding and going back to dark. I wonder what conditioner she is using? Whatever it is, it is working. Also her hair isn't black or dark brown, so that's good. It looks more like golden brown. I like it, granted I like the lighter hair color on her better, at least this color isn't so harsh on her skin tone. It looks like the same color she had for the Fadar photo shoot. And then of course... THE sweater makes a return. Yaaas.
  12. Maybe this new guy will inspire her to go more rock and a heavier sound like UV. I hope so. Really? I don't know anything about him so I assumed he was into rock lol Anyone is better then Franny. He was such an A-hole and he made her cry publically.
  13. Cherry Blossom video https://www.instagram.com/p/BG0BefAFnjV/?taken-by=lanadelrey New photo on her bday
  14. The hair doesn't look black here. Looks more like golden brown. It could be worst but she looks older again and chubbyish in the face. Anyway, I wish she had kept the blonde/red hair color. Looked better on her. I see she dating Charles Manson now.
  15. She does. She looks older again and even heavier. Doesn't she realize how bad that dark color looks on her? I know she wants to be all Latina cool, but we also have many Latina's who are blonde and red heads.
  16. I never heard of Christina Grimmie until today but I can tell you that I soon as I heard the news, tears came down my face. I looked her up on YouTube and saw all the Voice videos clips. Goodness what a loss. She was very talented. Sadness all around. May she RIP.
  17. New video Lana uploaded https://www.instagram.com/p/BGacHk1TAe9/?taken-by=honeymoon
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