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Posts posted by Allie

  1. I get the point of this thread and the discussion that was meant to happen. Everybody is always commenting about how much she changed her style and all. Perhaps, Lana is just on the defensive. I mean, the attack she was getting with her glamorous and beauty queen style was becoming something really huge. We're all very aware of how she lets it get to herself and how much of an introvert she is. Possibly she's just trying to let the flame alive, in a shy way, rather than a firestorm. Trying to avoid comments like how much she looks retro-gangster-diva nancy sinatra stylish. It's easier to put on back to tha basics looks, get the attention she really was interested in (getting her award or something) and leave in peace with herself. I know celebrities have a certain commitment with their image, but sometimes you can just get really sick of trying to look a certain way and being wronged by random people that don't even actually enjoy your music. She's been pulling out her glam image because that leads to so much drama. I can be wrong, though.


    Anyway, if the opinions of strangers don't matter, why are we all in this place reading and answering opinions of well... strangers? Lana is the main point. So, Foolish, please try to be less personal and rude. Ain't nobody got time for that.



  2. Great interview! I definitely loved the part about career and dream job, I think exactly like that and I never could get people to understand why. What I like to do is draw, so people (that know about my obsession) tell me all the time that I should go to an art school and all of that, getting really confused about what I actually study. My brother is always telling me that I should post them online or sell them. I get scared to consider. Literally, every single detail is out there with a price nowadays. I guess it's up to personality, some people deal better with sharing their personal stuff and that's lucky of them. Thanks for that quote, by the way.


    In one of my job interviews, they asked me what I had to get better at, when it comes to myself. I said exactly being more patient (even though I'm a calm person, I just walk away easily) and being less anxious. I know that feel, unfortunately. 


    Ennio Morricone is a god, to be honest. 


    The recommended songs are great! I'll add the first one to the playlist I use to draw to, that's going to help for fresh inspiration. The second is one of the nicest little songs from a girl band I've heard. Also, the name of the song. Freaking awesome, like, Egyptian Shumba. Come on.


    And I didn't know about the cover, man. It's great, I listened to it while reading the interview. Couldn't help but download, creep much? I apologize, but the instrumental is too good as well. Anyway, congrats on the interview!  

  3. Yeah, nicely put. Although i wouldn't say that it's not caring. More like not caring too much to the point where you've stifled your creation. Caring enough that you believe in what you're doing and seeing your vision through, but always letting your creation breathe a little and kind of take on a life of its own. Leave the life in there, and life is imperfect. You always hear a lot of artists talk about the creation guiding them rather than them guiding the creation. Like they're being taken along for a ride as this thing just flows out of them. Some people will even go as far as referring to it as feeling like they're a vessel for God's expression (Brian Wilson, for example, has said something similar before about creating Pet Sounds). I don't know that that sort of "divine" inspiration necessarily fits the character of Lana's work though just because she's so staunchly idiosyncratic that her stuff lacks the more "universal" appeal that is usually associated with works that are often described like this.


    There's something naive and awkward about her that i love and i think ties into this idea of the imperfect. Lana is all about a feeling. Imagine how terrible it'd be if she wasn't as resolute and confident, and she just allowed some record label dudes to iron out her quirks and sense of self, distilling her down to just a good singing voice, and stripping away all the nuances and weird little details that make her her.


    Totally agreed! That's what I wanted to say, musicians will care about their work, their music. It's just that overanalyzing ruins the spontaneous feeling of the creation. I think Lana isn't necessarily included in the "divine inspiration" club too. She gives me kind of the same impression that poets from the beat generation do. It feels like they're spitting the words on the paper, describing what's happening with them quickly. Lana, for the amount of songs she has, seems to be someone who is always writing, no matter how well or badly. Her main point seems to be telling stories about her experiences with her own codes, favorite words and names. It's all honesty with a bit of fantasy. I don't think she has many songs with relevant epiphany in them. I could say Last Girl On Earth has a touch of her early death epiphany, but generally she's mostly a down to earth artist. That in the sense of telling her stories rather than having an idea out of nowhere about some specific subject, because other than that she's pretty lunatic.


    I love that she's delicate in a way - with her shyness and nervousness - but she's also bold and confident enough to tell what she wants and what she doesn't when it comes to her music. I don't think I'd be THIS into her if she wasn't full of these little weird details.

  4. That was really nice to read. It's one of the best things about music, books or movies: randomly finding it, giving a try and seeing where it goes. That person was able to synthesize the whole essence of Lana's music without necessarily checking it all: first records, unreleased stuff, everything. I've never thought of BTD like that before. Lana is so raw as Lizzy, May Jailer, Rich Whores, Sparkle Jump Rope Queen or whatever, if you think. That natural condition is still with her somehow and I think it always will. I love how the person mentioned Pet Sounds and the way it was dubbed to express the idea of snaring inspiration before it's gone. Not caring or overthinking that much. Clumsy or imperfect, it's still going to be there, in its real form. That's quite amazing. Thinking about that, I remember how we have always discussed about the definition of her genre and we could never find anything specific. Thanks for sharing, Monicker. It's totally thread worthy! Always nice to see things from another perspective.  :)

  5. I think she's going to use Dark Paradise mostly because of the meaning it has to her. Ya know, that "honour love even when it's lost" thing.


    I'm excited for anything, collage or professional video for DP.

    When it comes to Cola, I agree about her pepsi cola pussy demanding professional treatment  :agree2:   

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