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Posts posted by Leo

  1. Space Song was my favorite from DC for a long time, but one day PPP hit me really hard. Since then it's been very special to me, and it might be the best song of 2015 in my opinion

  2. People not taking no for an answer, then lingering in hopes of reunion sometimes borders on stalking

    The only way to cut it off is to cut it off.

    It's not like one is married and has kids and has to see each other every day.


    Seems like she kept with him above and beyond her duty to.


    She being such a good person she seems to be taken advantage of far too often. No means no means no means no.

    The prospect of Lana doing something wrong is really incomprehensible to you, huh?

  3. I'm really late but I've never cared for Miley so at first I didn't bother to listen to the album but today I finally did and... I'm completely blown away. I guess it's too soon to say for sure since I've only listened to it twice, but my early impression is that this is among my top 10 favorite albums ever, maybe even top 5. The last time I felt this emotionally exhausted from music was probably when I heard Lana for the first time 3 years ago. 

  4. Hi! I'm new here so I don't know if this has been asked before but which song are you most excited for on HM? Personally, I'm really interested by unique or unusual song titles (think Marina's unreleased "I'm Not Hungry Anymore") so "Music to Watch Boys To" gets me pretty excited but "Swan Song" also interests me

    1: Music to Watch Boys to - Very intriguing title and it'll be interesting to see whether it's indicative of the general theme/atmosphere of the song or if it's just another phrase that she likes, or a combination of both. MTWBT is also, if I'm not mistaken, the concept that this album was originally created around, which makes it even more interesting.


    2: The Blackest Day, for these reasons:

    I'm only just getting around to processing the actual titles we got on the tracklist...Title and length of The Blackest Day sound like magnum opus material and the throwback to Backfire in Salvatore ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    3: God Knows I Tried - Simply because Lana said that this song and TLY are extremely close to her heart and since TLY is magnificent I'm going to assume that GKIT is too.

  5. the only sin to me in music (& movies, tv, etc) is being boring. i don't mind a new approach for lana at all--she changes with each album. i just don't want it to be a snoozefest. 

    I'm not directing this towards you specifically, just using your post as an example. I think people use the word "boring" far too loosely when describing music. I genuinely don't know what people refer to when they say "boring" because the meaning differs so much from person to person. I guess when people describe the songs Honeymoon and TLY as boring they mean "slow songs with minimalist production" or something similar, a type of music that rarely bores me. If I were to pick the songs that bore me the most right now it would probably be Cheerleader and Love Me Like You Do, but obviously a lot of people don't find those songs boring at all.


    Of course some songs can be percieved as boring in some situations and not at all in other situations. For example, I think most people would agree that even if you love TLY you would be kinda bored by it while working out or on your way to a party. But switch these situations to a late night bus trip or watching the sun rise from your porch and it would serve you life on a gold plate.


    Long story short: can we stop dismissing songs simply as "boring" without any elaboration? k thanks  :runs:

  6. I hate saying this because I defended the video before it was even out but I wasn't crazy for it. I personally didn't like the shaky camera. The thing that bothered me the most is that the beginning scenes and ending were not shaky and the middle was. If they had picked one or the other it wouldn't be so bothersome and combined with the fact that the steady scenes were what both snippets were, I was not really expecting something that looked so homemade.

    I'm just speculating now, but maybe they made it that way to make it feel more like the viewer is actually in there with her? In the scenes where the camera is steady you are looking at her from an outside perspective, while in the scenes where the camera is shaky you're supposed to be able to share Lana's feeling of invaded personal space by seemingly following her around in person . I think it's working pretty well and if the camera would have been steady while following Lana it may have felt more like observing her than sharing her point of view, which might have taken away some of the tension from the video.


    If this is the case, it's kind of an interesting paradox. She's letting the viewer into her home—her most personal space—while at the same time basically saying "leave me the fuck alone and stop invading my privacy".



    Just want to point out that I'm fully aware that I'm probably reading far too much into this  :toofunny:


  7. I fall off my chair from shock every time I see a positive comment, seriously some of you guys are vicious  :hdu:


    Okay, I get why you could dislike the cover. She's really tiny and it's definitely a change of style compared to the previous covers. However, I appreciate that she has chosen a different perspective this time, the "looking poutily into the camera" shit was getting kinda repetitive imo though it wouldn't hurt if you could actually see her in the picturePersonally I also really like the text on the truck which y'all seem to hate, I don't really know why but it gives the cover more ~personality~ or whatever you wanna call it. 


    Most importantly I love the way she's been promoting this album, especially the glimpses of the process she's shared on the honeymoon account and the GENIUS Honeymoon Hotline which is so funny, innovative and just adorable. It all feels so personal and I'm really happy that she's actually involving us this time, something I have missed in the previous releases. She really seems to care about this album, and that makes me look forward to it so much more than when she acts all indifferent.


    I can't really say much about the songs we've gotten so far because I've only listened to them once, but I definitely liked Honeymoon and High By the Beach instantly. Terrence Loves You almost had me in tears at first listen and I can actually see it becoming one of my favorite Lana songs ever.


    Sorry if I'm being overly positive and delusional but I can't help it, I'm simply beyond hyped for this album.

  8. i know all that, they wont get shit for this, no one will call them out, on the other hand lana will be called a flop

    Sure, Lana will be called a flop by members of other fanbases who are completely unimportant. I'd be surprised if Billboard's clumsiness went unnoticed in their part of the industry but I'm really not an expert so I shouldn't talk. 


    However none of that matters imo, as I said I don't think this will have a negative effect on Lana's sales or her reputation in the big picture, so let the haters have their little fun I guess.

  9. Lol Billboard aint losing shit

    They lose credibility. This should be embarrassing for them, they posted an article that was up for a long time before they edited it, stating that Lana debuted at #7 with 248k in sales when it was actually #51 with 67k sold. That is a huge error and it shouldn't be allowed to happen to the world's most influential chart.

  10. Some of you make it sound like this is some kind of huge catastrophy for Lana. She and her team surely must have seen this coming since they're hardly completely oblivious to how much she's actually been selling, I mean Interscope doesn't depend on Billboard to provide them with that information right? So I'd be surprised if this comes as a shock for Lana, the only real losers in this mess are Billboard, Nielsen Music and the gullible Lana fans (me included) who didn't check if the numbers added up before they started celebrating. And disappointing as it is, I don't see how it would have any negative effect on the rest of this era at all. No one will care in a month except maybe some pressed little monsters on atrl.


    Actually, this mess should bring a lot more attention to hbtb than if Billboard and Nielsen Music had gotten the numbers right from the start. I wouldn't be surprised if all this actually helps Lana commercially.

  11. I learned something about myself today. Apparently I'm one of those people who don't give a shit about the charts as long as Lana "flops", but when she does well the importance of the charts just cannot be overstressed!

    So fucking happy for her  :mariah:

    Well I guess I'll just go back to giving 0 fucks then  :bye2:

  12. Wow, I really didn't think I would like it this much. Sure, the lyrics are a bit underwhelming, but the song is so beautiful and Lana's delivery so great that she could have sung pretty much anything without it bothering me. I'm also astounded by the fact that the "dark blue"-line turned out to be my favorite part of the whole song, really didn't see that coming  :toofunny:

  13. I'm speechless. That setlist, her vocal performance, how much she seemed to be enjoying herself, ending with OttR... This was more than I could ever hope for :defeated: Sadly I've grown more and more indifferent towards Lana for some time now, but this launched me right back into hysterical fan mode  :crazy:. Just... Thank you Lana, and thank you @ for the amazing videos!


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