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About Pony

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  1. Isn't it. I come here so rarely cos I can't stand the vibe. Yet I'm always surprised at the disrespect members have for one another. Would be very different on the streets.
  2. Thank you!!! Exavrly. It's NOTHING like BTD. It's as bad as her very worst leaked early demos. This is why this forum has such a bad rep. I rarely come here cos of the trashy talk like this. You mods allow trash like this to be said???! Shame on you.
  3. Who you calling a fag? Watch your cheap trashy mouth bitch. I love all her albums. This song is shite.
  4. Are you serious? Different??? It's like everything else she's done... But worse!! I cannot hear anything new in this at all
  5. It's bloody gorgeous . I love The Weeknd so was thrilled about this. I love they played it twice!
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