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Posts posted by slang

  1. 2 hours ago, Embach said:

    Lana Del Rey about the "gangsta Nancy Sinatra" nickname in an interview for Dazed in 2011:

    "I didn’t come up with that! My managers were struggling to describe my music to labels and kept saying, 'What genre is it? What style?' I called it Hollywood Sadcore. But my manager said, 'She's like a gangsta Nancy Sinatra!' And as soon as it flew out of his mouth, it fucking stuck like glue. I spend eight fucking years writing gorgeous songs and someone in a meeting says 'gangsta Nancy Sinatra' and that's that. It's brutal. I know two of Nancy's songs but she's not someone I've ever really listened to. I know everything about Frank, of course, because he's the real singer. It just goes to show how fucking stupid people can be sometimes."


    Yeah, that was a good article. As the "Gansta Nancy Sinatra" meme was taking off, I can imagine a parallel universe where she just decided to release "Scarface" in response to it, which according to the Lana Del Rey Wiki, was recorded Feb 2010 (so she might have been able to do that, if Al Pacino and others had approved the sample used). Everybody might have taken the GNS meme as advanced promo for the song. There might have been some incredible backlash sure, but the meme would probably have died (and/or Nancy would have disavowed the comparison at that time). Comparing Nancy's singing to Frank's in that article was a bit cruel (if arguably true). She might have regretted that, causing her to cover Summer Wine later, idk. Also Nancy did perform a Bond song for You Only Live Twice. That song has melodic elements in common with the beginning Terrence Loves You, imo. Well that's enough rando reactions, I guess.

  2. This link to the Ivors should be useful for figuring out what they are:



    What I remember of the Ivors: LDR won one already, for best contemporary song, Video Games. At about the time I was thinking about that earlier LDR win, I learned that Martin Gore had won one for "International Achievement" (1999), which is not the same award as LDR's current one. I used the archive to see that a "Special International Award" (I guess it means something like international music influencer), was given to Hal David (Burt Bacharach's lyricist, among others), the year of Martin's award. Their website is useful for finding out stuff like that. Good to see LDR get the recognition, and hope she shows up again (e.g., in either Martin's, or K. T. Tunstall's capacity).

  3. This is like an "instagram" only it's on youtube. Wondering if this little piece of WTFery is legit (i.e., it's LDR's doing). "Die for you" (full quote "Has anyone else died for you?") is a bit of an LDRism, but the cross displayed here -- with the SNL date -- is actually very, very heretical(?), blasphemous (?), and sardonic (bingo!). I'm pretty sure Judah wouldn't approve, but if he did, he's way "cooler" than we give him credit for. Or maybe she's just trying to promo Christianity a bit, idk. However, my favorite/preferred theory is that somebody's is just spoofing her.




  4. Not a huge fan of the Denver cover either, which seemed like a reverential payback for name-dropping his (other?) song on the Grants (why didn't she cover that one?). What's weird about the whole thing, is that I don't recall LDR releasing stuff later than the cover, so what CL says can't be about LDR's art, can it? A larger comment about covering John Denver may be that's she's pissed off she didn't cover a female classic. I mean, later in the article:

    "However, Love does shower praise on artists such as Patti Smith, Nina Simone, PJ Harvey, Julie London, Joni Mitchell, and Debbie Harry. Without a hint of self-awareness, she also said her show was meant to “redeem some of the women who have been treated so badly by the record industry,” adding, “Women are still marginalized in this industry, even though they’re more successful.”

    Anyway, the interviewer should have asked for elaboration.


    CL's view of Taylor just seems to be CL in Kim Gordon "provocateur" mode. Also maybe she's a little jealous of the fact Taylor stans Lana?

  5. It was a mixed bag, and I'm still processing/rationalizing it. I couldn't see the live cause it's way, WAY past my bedtime, but I was grateful to see it on youtube, in a priveleged seat relative to the average audience viewer. Her singing's nice (when she's not fading) and she's killing the Jessica Rabbit look, imo. The sound guy obviously had problems keeping up with her vocal dynamics and couldn't handle when she's soft and then increases volume. LDR's singing style is definitely of a past generation, but even that generation didn't sing that way (e.g., Ella and Billy -- the other Billy -- had much more power). Her energy levels also seemed intentionally markedly depressed at times, as if it were way, WAY past her bedtime too. However, I can spin/rationalize that as a new kind of somno-style (to go with narco-swing and others), so that she and her songs, are meant to be perceived in a hypnogogic dream state, with the subdued lighting (and images) helping that. That Baptiste showed up was understandable for this concert, and I liked their interluding better than the album's. However, when Billy Eilish came on, it was like "holy shit, I really must be dreaming this stuff", and I liked that part very much ("get out of my fucking face", lol). I'm just guessing (any opinions?)... Antonoff did essentially a "live solo" with a hologram of LDR, singing what I imagine to be the original vocal stems (?); at any rate her singing seemed different from the rest of the concert.  The hologram technique is usually done with dead artists (e.g., Tupac), so LDR's appearance, as such, was unsettling. Her morbidity game is certainly on point with that, even if it's the ghost of a past performance. Liked the Young and Beautiful outro and its horns. In sum, maybe her ambition exceeded her execution a bit, but ambition is still the most important thing for me. It will be interesting to see what her second performance will be (as in identical or with switch ups, or maybe she might do the same stuff a bit more amphetiminically, without the drugs, of course), though I doubt they'll stream that too.

  6. On 3/29/2024 at 7:28 PM, Barry said:

    How was Prince releasing songs like this at 20 years old

    "I was only 16, but I guess that's no excuse
    My sister was 32, lovely and loose
    She don't wear no underwear
    She said it only gets in her hair
    And it's got a funny way of stopping the juice
    My sister never made love to anyone else but me
    She's the reason for my, uh, sexuality
    Showed me where it's supposed to go
    A blow job doesn't mean blow
    Incest is everything it's said to be"



    From Wikipedia on Dirty Mind:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Mind#:~:text=Dirty Mind has,1980s.[8]


    So the track Sister didn't hurt him too much, or maybe DM would have placed much higher on all those epic album lists, if he hadn't included it, idk. He actually does have a sister, who is two years younger than him, if he were living. So "Sister" can be thought of as fiction, much like Nabokov's Lolita is. Or possibly it reflects personal knowledge of somebody elses situation. I love how Prince just HAD to use the word "incest" in the lyrics, so the listener knows, he's not using the slang-metaphor "sister" colloquialism of the times. Also, depending on how one interprets the lyrics following what you posted, it could reflect even worse on the sister (lol, was she her brother's pimp too?!). Music lost a (courageous and outrageous) hero, when it lost Prince; I really miss him. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Theomo said:

    I'm kinda a wierdo for this, but this music slaps

    I'm guessing you like classical (as do I). Which sort of brings up the question, why no "classical" or "jazz" threads at LBs? Or maybe "What are you listening to?" could be broken down by genre. While it's true I could start a thread like this, centuries of being trampled underfoot has made me more of a follower than a leader.

    BTW, 50th anniversary is relative to 2009, and google reports 4 different people worked on the film score. Not sure, but I would say the score is influenced by Tchaikovsky's ballet score for The Sleeping Beauty.


    15 hours ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

    Even though they’re the greatest band ever, I’ll never understand why Depeche Mode is hardly played on the radio…




    14 hours ago, Embach said:

    Depeche gets played all the time in the radios where I live. Enjoy The Silence, Personal Jesus, Just Can't Get Enough, Strangelove, It's No Good, Master And Servent, Never Let Me Down...gotta say I'm blessed because I've been loving and listening to Depeche ever since I was a kid, thanks to radios. Their newer songs should get more airplay imo.

    The question that comes to mind: are we talking college or commercial radio? College radio was an amazing source of music exploration back in the day before the Internet.

  8. Hopefully, LDR is just philosophical about the grammys and enjoys them for what they are, an awards show that lags behind trends. BTW, you can go to grammys.com and search your favorite artists, by typing their name in the search field. If they've had grammy activity, you can see what it is (e.g., Depeche Mode, 5 noms 0 wins; Carly Simon 15 noms 2 wins; David Bowie 19 noms 5 wins-- 4 wins posthumous, and oddly they don't count his "lifetime achievement award", wtf). You can even find out what artists were nominated and won for by following the artist-name link. I find that capability at their website a refreshingly honest admission from them.


    Taylor winning AOTY is definitely consistent with "popularity contest". However, I didn't mind too much, because her acceptance speech was a bit dissful to the awards (paraphrasing here): "hey, winning these awards has no more dopamine for me than just getting the bridge of a song right". Maybe LDR could take solace in that. It was also "nice" LDR had such a great seat and a "virtual tour" of what it's like to be accepting the AOTY award from the podium (bummer it wasn't real, or bummer that paradoxically it was real). The whole thing seemed very surreal (sort of the opposite of when Kanye refuted Taylor's grammy win over Beyonce**), and the image of Taylor dragging LDR to stage is definitely going to be a keeper for me.


    Misc comments: A song like A & W isn't going to win song of the year; it's just way too dark and lyrically inappropriate. OB is definitely an alt-album, but also very unpopular in its artistic choices (e.g. Fingertips being like a Gregorian chant in single-voice; I wouldn't expect that to catch on much, though I still like the song a lot). LDR performing the title track at the grammys might have been great restitution for her no wins, and I think she would have actually liked to do it, even knowing she were going to lose every nomination (i.e., as many have noted: "when's it gonna be my turn?" is an iconic lyric). Finally, her dress was an interesting choice. Someone close to me (but not an LDR-scholar/fanatic, like I am) opined it looked like a mourning dress, which I think is reasonable, given some of the mourning-type lyrics found on OB.


    ** oh no, it was the VMAs, so I'll just leave this erratum note here

  9. When the smoke clears (i.e., significant time elapses), science-fiction, fantasy, and horror are going to be recognized as the most important fiction of the 20th century. It all sort of depends on civilization not ending, of course. I'm not sure about the 21st century, where role-playing games might significantly compete. On the third hand, literature might have its own "extinction event", if it's primarily written by AIs in the future.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mer said:

    Lana’s stupidest lyric is “what if someone had asked Picasso not be to sad”. Not only is it cringey, it’s utterly nonsensical. You can’t just ask someone “not to be sad.” Picasso was a raging alcoholic and would’ve just told you to fuck off. It’s the sole reason I barely listen to Blue Banisters bc that line pisses me off, which no Lana line has ever managed to do before. 

    But "nobody ever called Pablo Picasso an asshole".


    Well, I'm curious. Is it the fact that one interpretation of the song is that she's directly comparing herself to Picasso that pisses people off (i.e., "beautiful like you", where you = Picasso?). Or maybe it's the possibility that Picasso's "Blue period" is his least famous (Idk, I'm not a Picasso aficianado)? So why would she be praising it? On the other hand, the drum-less piano accompaniment (as well as the singing) lives up to the name of the song, imo.


    It also kind of makes a good companion song for this song (which is a cover). I'm willing to grant that this is a better song (at least for my tastes), especially the way Bowie does it. However, I hardly think, it's because the lyrics are better (again, imo).




  11. I'm thinking it's LDR's song -- topic wise -- else why would JB have made it a bonus track; also if LDR wanted to hide the fact that it was her song -- topic wise -- putting it on somebody else's album is a pretty good way. Technically a good collab in the sense LDR is used a lot, but I don't know if I like the fundamental gloominess of the song. So "life lesson" is a "one that got away" type song, with some characterization for both POVs of the relationship. 


    I like the lyrics off of a youtube comment for the track (at Jon Batiste's channel, I don't know if the link will work as intended, unless pasted into the browser's URL field):




    Edit: no the link didn't work, but @Nada-yj9eg 

    were the lyrics referred to.


    In terms of lyrics' interpretation, the cold vs. hot theme-ology would appear to refer to temper, so "you're icy till you're hot" [in the OP "Yeah, I see into your heart", which I don't hear as much].


    "He got so mad, there in a flash, in just one second
    I became his life lesson"


    Speculatively, the "cold" in the part below, is actually a wish that temper is restrained.


    I hope it's cold where you reside
    You wake up late at night
    & I would reckon
    That you'd be guessing
    I'm, I'm your life lesson


    Another interesting difference is that the commenter's lyrics ends the song with "Amen", which I swore I heard the first time, but in fact the ends with "A-", so you're garden pathed there, although "it" works too, but damned if I can hear any final "t".

  12. If you like artists diverse and eclectic and with interesting evolution, AKA fits right in as a masterpiece. That is, if you like unpredictable artists, it seems a shame AKA, May Jailer, and more of her unreleased are not proper parts of her catalog. I have to conclude that tiktok people (or newer fans) just aren't as much interested in diversity and/or have narrow taste in music. I don't know what tiktok people actually find popular, as I avoid the venue, but if they like LDR that's fine, though I can't imagine they like her too broadly (e.g., as many stans for summertime sadness as heroin on tiktok?). 


    AKA is a no-brainer for re-release, and there could easily be a bonus disc of unreleased material that has a vibe consistent with it, although that isn't a requirement for making re-release attractive (for me). However, in a re-release, I'd still quote the original title, as the album title (as I'm anal about history being accurate), and then identify the artist as Lana Del Rey. There's also something very "next level" about an artist's debut album having an album title referencing the fact that the artist just changed names! It's like she's footstamping the idea her thoughts are so fleet, you won't keep up with her; disco-ball mind, indeed!

  13. For me, it's different outcomes for each case I can think of, with regards to a syndrome, or phenom, of people liking the original unreleased over a later (changed) released, or people liking the unreleased more as unreleased than being actually released (e.g., Blue Bannisters songs). In terms of just liking unreleased better (i.e., not controlling for song), I'd term it a "forbidden-fruit" effect, such that when they're released, you don't want it as much (it's no longer forbidden). However, it's more important to consider that any unreleased compilations that will happen are going to be more impactful to newer fans anyway, because that's just the way novelty works. Also, there's at least one case of a "meta-release" being more popular than its earlier proper release: the summertime sadness remix won a grammy, while LDR's version did not (how sad is that?). While this might suggest why (some) people like NA and TIWMUG demos more than the album versions, it doesn't work for why (some) people prefer the Blackest Day, LFL, or Freak demos over the album versions. To me everything just looks like special cases of preference, and having a few anecdotes about unreleased-over-released fan preferences doesn't seem convincing.

  14. 8 hours ago, cj1995 said:

    Text Book - Lana Del Rey


    (side note: can anyone tell me how to post youtube videos on here? I try the link button but it doesn't show the video)


    I've found from a PC, that if you paste the youtube link into your post and THEN manually edit it to put line spaces (i.e., carriage return characters) before and after the link, the youtube video self-embeds (and you can see it in the preview). You also have to put CRs to get paragraph spacing you like.


    BTW -- these sad-core kings really broke out with this video and changed the face of popular music to embrace sad cosmic-dread-type horror-sf themes. Oh wait -- nevermind -- that was a parallel universe. Curiously, parallel universes were never much sung about in their horror-sf laden ouevre.








    I know Frank's voice better than Beyonce, because I have albums of Frank and none of Beyonce, but having heard Frank's AI Video Games, I can say Beyonce sings Chemtrails better than Frank sings Video Games. Part of the problem is Frank seems to have no conviction for the song, and I think his AI is working a bit under duress, actually. I'm still trying to figure out the basic metaphor for the technology. But I think it's something like copying and pasting Frank's vocal timbral attributes -- including mean pitch -- as digitally represented, onto LDR's performance. That is, LDR's performance is still used as a template for his somehow. In that case if you play the original video games with Frank's they should coincide nicely, and AI Frank did sound better in a really tight micro-fugue with LDR's original (i.e., lagged about a half-second behind), which sort of supports that notion. But still, the way Frank uses his pitch and timbre to convey conviction would obviously be completely different from LDR, and I think that's what's missing here.  So you need a song where LDR actually has Frank's vocal swagger to have a Frank AI do well on it (and so vocal AIs are still pretty limited in this way, imo). I would suggest Groupie Love (and maybe replace A. Rocky by Nicki Minaj) as a song where LDR actually tries to have a Frank swagger.

  16. It gets some things that reminds me of her, but seems kinda flat. I'd love to actually hear her do this with more of the vocal dynamics of Shades of Cool. The AI tech is scary interesting. I wonder if it's just neural-nets brute-force learning or whether they're working with an actual physical voice box model that gets tweaked. Computers didn't put live chess competitions out of business, so hopefully ...  Also, the AIs don't write the songs yet.




  17. He could have done the Eilish, Sia, Pink, or other songs he covered, so Lana's song was definitely a choice. Artists' nods to other artists far exceed any critics' nods to them, imo, so this must be considered great press for her. 


    The studio version is better with an instrumental outro (somewhat more UV-esque) and somewhat better respect for tempo contrasts between sections. 


  18. She basically has a video about filming a video that you're gonna see but you never do see (unless she premieres the actual video they were filming unexpectedly 6 mnths down the road, and it turns out to be very very "nasty"; I don't think that's gonna happen, but she definitely wants me to think it's a possibility, so ....). Fourth walls broken out to kazoo. It's definitely a unique and worthy addition to her videography, which is to say a really great video.

  19. If you're talking about songs with dynamic sections, in released I'd say Heroin (with Off To the Races, Honeymoon honorable mentions). In unreleased I like mashing related-vibe songs together and imagining a prog epic (e.g., Dum Dum followed by Live or Die immediately sounds cool). AKA, the album, is pretty chaotic, in the sense that you don't expect songs like Pawn Shop Blues and Smarty to be on the same album (and those are not the only song pairs one could mention).

  20. 11 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I think her old songwriting (2018 and before) is far better than her current songwriting and it's somewhat frustrating that people are lauding her as a songwriting genius for her current work because honestly shit like BTD, UV and Honeymoon were actual fucking genius whereas I feel like a lot of the current diary-entry lyrics and automatic writing or whatever could be written by pretty much anyone and is only interesting because of the vivid world she created throughout the previous eras mentioned so people place it in that context and act like it's genius when to me it's more like margin notes



    I agree with what you say (mostly), but I don't think she becomes overly acute at what you describe, until OB, where maybe she weaponizes her authenticity some ("weaponizing" being a new vogue term in the US for medias, judicial systems, and such). But I don't know if you could say it's a dominating trend for her since NFR. I mean she writes differently that timespan, but not all of it is so idiosyncratic as OB. The other thing is: she's always written about her life to some extent (e.g., Sirens, e.g. Aviation), so it's not such a big deal for me, unless her next album is similarly as self-referential and idiosyncratic.


    BTW- she really needs that unreleased album release.
    "Songs never heard by nobody" would be a cute title for it, given her past flirtations with double negatives (an idiosyncratic reference only her most crazed fans might understand).

  21. 3 hours ago, Cherry Blossom said:


    My hatred of Blue Banisters isn’t for the actual songs themselves, but the album and its concept / creation.


    Individually, the songs are great. The 3 2013 songs, IYLDWM, BBS, Arcadia, Dealer, Thunder and Sweet Carolina are some of my favourite Lana songs. However the creation of Blue Banisters (in my opinion) is so incredibly lazy and random. 

    Not to mention, the things she attempted with Text Book, Blue Banisters, WFWF, Beautiful and Violets For Roses are done miles better on Ocean Blvd.


    Personally, I think Blue Banisters is a stain on her discography simply because she rushed to release it (and the initial concept was changed so many times) and it feels unfocused. The songs I mentioned above were necessary for her to get to the stage she is at with her poetic personal writing, but that doesn’t mean she should have released this. It feels like she had those 4 singles, realised she found where she wanted to go artistically on future records, and tried to quickly shape an album around it by pulling songs from anywhere and everywhere (including YouTube). 


    TL;DR: Sometimes songs have to be written for an artist to move forward artistically but that doesn’t mean they have to be released. 


    Anyways yeah that’s my personal opinion on BB, I don’t hate it like it’s not Ava Max level bad but still it sits at the bottom of my ranking and will probably stay there. For newer fans, or people who don’t care for albums as a collective body, I understand why they would like it but for me I just cant see this compilation of tracks as an acclaimed body of work on par with her others.

    You're not a big fan of the unreleased collection idea then, I would guess (assuming that ever happens). In LDR's case more is better, and an album just doesn't have to be a well-conceived "concept" piece to be enjoyed (thoroughly), but as it happens, I think of BB as her Broadway-style album (i.e., sort of Songs Without a Show).


    Oh yeah, gotta make this post relevant to OB somehow ...
    Nobody gives the robot Yorkshire Terrier at the end of Fishtails enough love, imo. Genius production.

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