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Posts posted by xNoirx

  1. idkkkkkkkkk obviously it's very different to the previous seasons as it should be. It was still rlly good i'm terribly glad they didn't completely drop the old effy and make her suddenly this high class business woman. something that rlly annoyed me though was (idk if you guys also noticed this) but her bracelet kept changing arms lmao like i'm 99% sure she always had a bracelet on b/c she'd have a massive scar from her suicide attempt in season 4 but at one point in the same scene the bracelet changed arms lmao it irked me but ya it's been good so far and i'm excited for part 2~~

  2. uuuuuuuuugh if u dont like pity sex pls dont touch me


    Dark World is so good it's sort of sad?? but in a good way. 


    They're probably not everyones cup of tea ~especially not a lana fan lmao but at least check them out you might be surprised



    srsly tho imagine literally having pity sex to pity sex

    life goal tbh

  3. I'm not really a fan of her music (although i do love a bit of Hannah Montana lel) but i quite like her. It's pretty hard to break off from Disney and yes she messed up a few times but she's pretty fab and she hawt af

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