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Everything posted by readyforheavensgates

  1. Can you buy it in a Hollister? I love the cover
  2. No, I believe her. I also don't doubt that she had alcohol problems and lived in a trailer park.
  3. Oh, I like him. He has some great songs and he has an amazing voice
  4. I hope when I wake up tomorrow 'TROPICO' will be there. I'm running out of patience. Please, give me a date
  5. I adore that song. It's a masterpiece.
  6. This is a very interesting and amazing thread
  7. They're cute together. It seems that they have a close friendship, I'm glad for that.
  8. I hope 'the farewell thing' is something personal for her. Maybe for an old lifestyle? Don't leave us Lana, we love you.
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