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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. bless everybody involved, so awful, especially all the small children getting trapped:/
  2. fainting spells - crystal castles
  3. i really don't think anything major will happen, besides, there's nothing wrong with yahoo anyway, people just need to relax and take it easy.
  4. not true with my mother or grandmother, i just have a pear shape, similar to lana actually - so if we were stoned, we'd be baked pears. alright that wasn't even funny nadia. but seriously, saying things like that makes a lot of girls feel shitty, guys aren't perfect either you know? and having bigger hips means it's easier to give birth.
  5. Mileena

    Tan Mom

    how's gay a negative thing?
  6. i think sexy is possibly the last word i would use to describe my figure haha! ugh god my hips aren't like that! my hips aren't exactly 'big' by other people's standards, but they stick out significantly more than anything else on my body so i hate them.
  7. i have massive hips, but i'm quite short and my legs are really, really slim and i'm not 'blessed' in the chest area either haha!
  8. i'm a size 6 (uk) so that would be a 4 in the us (i think) so i'd fit into abercrombie if i shopped at such places, but after his disgusting comments there's no way i'll ever shop there. teenagers feel shitty about themselves enough, me included, so what gives that...piece of shit the right to spout that complete and utter garbage? he looks hideous himself!
  9. i can't blame her for replying (if this was her, but lets just say it was), she must've had a lot of rude tweets to her, she probably saw this guys tweet and thought 'you know what? that's enough', because people can only take so much crap before they snap - she's only human. people forget that she's not just 'lana del rey', she's a woman who has feelings and she gets hurt like the rest of us. it's hard to not reply when people are ripping on you, because it feels shitty.
  10. Mileena

    The Sims

    strangetown is so cool if you're into aliens and all that jazz (which i am, the families i fucked up there omg!). do you like veronaville much?
  11. Mileena

    The Sims

    my aunt managed to pick up the base game and a few expansion and stuff packs for super cheap and i'm giving her my sims 3 because i seriously think it's abysmal. i can't wait to play in veronaville and strangetown again!
  12. Mileena

    The Sims

  13. those curves omfg, i worship her.
  14. it was thanks to one of my greek friends that i found lana a couple of years ago actually! that's so cool, i love greece!
  15. Is Lana's birthday in '85 or '86? I've seen both appear ways. On her official Wikipedia and her fanpages, it says 1986, but on the Kent School Wikipedia of notable alumni, it states that she's in the Class of 2003. Usually when you graduate from high school, you're around 18, so unless Lana graduated a year early... - 85', I found one of her Facebook accounts.
  16. in 'us against the world' my friend thinks she says 'if you want the queen of milk'
  17. have we got daddy issues in hq at all?
  18. i loved daddy issues omg (only lana fan to of ever said that). i don't want anything to leak atm, my itunes is screwed up. but, did he seriously think teasing people would be a good idea?
  19. aw bless you, you're so strong for admitting that you've had a problem. i'm really pleased that you're pulling through and that you've found somebody (lana) who's had the same experience. i hope it all goes well for you, if you're going to one of her gigs, you should write her a letter and tell her!
  20. Mileena

    Soul Calibur

    i've seen lots of x box's and ps2's for really cheap on amazon, maybe there's some uber cheap game cubes too?
  21. eh whatever, she can if she wants to. i'd still kiss her lips either way. but seriously, she should just put exfoliator on her lips, i did that the other day and my lips were like BOOM.
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