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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Yayo, easily one of her greatest. However, I also love Little Girls, Kill Kill and Jump. In fact, I can honestly say I love every song on the album.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfn4peALtlY loved this song for years, eg's a guilty pleasure though...
  3. But you haven't got anything lol...so er 5/10
  4. Oh hi there music twin. I LOVE Crystal Castles (obviously), White Ring and Björk.
  5. Honest and actually quite cool. (I got the wrong idea about you before lol.)
  6. Courtship Dating - Crystal Castles you have no idea how much I listen to that song...
  7. Yeah, I agree about the over production though. I'm sorry but her producers ruined Diet Mountain Dew. The second demo and the third demo were perfect, there was no need to have that annoying guy going 'HEY HEY' in the background all the time. If that guy's on the Paradise Edition, I will be furious.
  8. For being a cat lol...even though I love cats.
  9. Mileena

    In My Pants

    Courtship Dating in my pants
  10. 'Usual name?' care to enlighten me?
  11. I love me some Gaga. And as long as it's in the 'entertainment' section dw. Besides, I always gab on about CC.
  12. Would you mind linking me in private to Ten Dollar Ring and the Lolita demos if it's not too much to ask? They're the only ones I'm missing out of tracks that have leaked.
  13. Don't get offended over this game, it's just a joke(: It's easy to play. You just make up a reason to 'ban' the person above you e.g: 'I ban you for having no signature'. Be as obscure as you like, but don't be offensive.
  14. I get waaaay too emotional over LDR and CC.
  15. Oh man. Do you know how excited I just got? Haha, I'm jk'ing. It's cool being the only CC fan. Birds - Crystal Castles
  16. HOLD ON. Do I see a Crystal Castles fan here? (other than myself)
  17. I knew DP wouldn't be a single, it's a good song but I don't personally think it has that 'single factor'. But don't forget, Lana makes a video for most of her songs.
  18. I'm convinced that I'm the only Lana fan that dislikes that song. I love Playing Dangerous, Afraid, Come When You Call Me America and Serial Killer.
  19. Mileena

    In My Pants

    Say the song you're listening to/show you're watching/book you're reading and then add 'in my pants' at the end. Year Of Silence in my pants. Interesting...
  20. Knights - Crystal Castles it's been on repeat for nearly an hour i'm sure
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