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Posts posted by Guillotine

  1. Why wouldn't you post a link


    Sorry I would of, but it was a Snapchat from diplo. The whole thing sounds even better tho, they better put the whole thing up soon.  :defeated:

  2. She has two old demos, Bumper and Walk Til Your Dead. Also some speculated features that I kept just in case though they don't really sound like her...


    ah, from her Tahliah days.. 

  3. It's also my lock screen lmao. I admit being startled by the cover at first but god its just perfect


    I now use a Papi Pacify still for EP1 because that collection is kinda all about desire but kind of in a dark way if you know what I mean. It's really nice and I'm loving keeping both EPs intact :flutter:




    I use this, just cause it was one of her first press shots  :flutter:





    Also what's "The Rarities"?!  :hdu:

  4. So the "Everything We Touch" single was supposed to go up on UK iTunes today, and I was PUMPED for it to be released so we could have HQ files finally, but I just checked and it's now been pushed to June 1st :defeated:


    :defeated:  lawd



    We have Everything We Touch in hq itunes tho, but I need Peppermint  :defeated:

  5. I NEED to hear Nothing But A Heartbeat & Skylights, I adore the live versions.


    Also sad that we've really heard all the songs already in some form  :(  November is a long time to wait for no new songs....

  6. YADi

    I was wondering if your name was was after the song. ;) Welcome to the club of 5 YADi fans.


    To answer your question, a sampler was sent out last year. 


    It is  :hooker:  & thankyou


    Fuck I hate labels  :defeated:  Is there any new songs on it? Do you know the tracklist? 


    Also I need to tell you, you slay, you always full of info on the artists I love, flawless taste  :flutter:

  7. YADi

    Big ass bump right here.... Didn't even see this thread  :toofunny:



    The girl needs to release an album stat, she's currently even behind Sky in terms of getting an album in the works, its sad asf


    Lemme say her song with Branko, Control is a bop. I get so sad when I listen to her EP or The Blow or Unbreakable to think the POTENTIAL she has.



    Also has anyone seen any sign of sampler around, i'm sick of waiting for a non-existent album tbh, lemme pray I can revive this thread :poordat:

  8. eh, I don't know what it is, but I just can't get into the song, and not a fan of the vid  :( BITD remains superior



    I hope the studio version of Peppermint is amazing.

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