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cyberbunnyboops liked a post in a topic by BChed in Lana Del Rey is back in the studio.
so excited for this. i dont care if it takes 2 more years for her to release it. just the fact that she is clearly NOT retiring and recording a new album is enough to make me very psyched.
pussycat liked a post in a topic by BChed in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates
so after hours of net surfing and twitter monitoring I have come to the following educated guesses.
1) the "fan club" pre sale for 2/12/14 listed on the TM and LN sites may be a typo/error/does not exist.
2) the emails that people are getting are for the 2/13/14 presale (also making me believe the fan club presale is a typo)
- the email reportedly states the TM presale passcode is "tropico" for the San Fran show, but doesn't say anything about the vegas show. One can assume
that since both are being sold at the same time on TM the passcode will be the same for the Vegas show.
3) The only show you can buy through Livenation is the Phoenix show and the passcode is "earlybird". Livenation has officially stated this.
If anyone has more updated info or proves any of these assumptions wrong post it on here, so everyone can be updated. This is the weirdest presale situation i've ever seen.
VioletPrincess liked a post in a topic by BChed in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates
thanks for the heads up.
may god help us tomorrow
VioletPrincess liked a post in a topic by BChed in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates
so after hours of net surfing and twitter monitoring I have come to the following educated guesses.
1) the "fan club" pre sale for 2/12/14 listed on the TM and LN sites may be a typo/error/does not exist.
2) the emails that people are getting are for the 2/13/14 presale (also making me believe the fan club presale is a typo)
- the email reportedly states the TM presale passcode is "tropico" for the San Fran show, but doesn't say anything about the vegas show. One can assume
that since both are being sold at the same time on TM the passcode will be the same for the Vegas show.
3) The only show you can buy through Livenation is the Phoenix show and the passcode is "earlybird". Livenation has officially stated this.
If anyone has more updated info or proves any of these assumptions wrong post it on here, so everyone can be updated. This is the weirdest presale situation i've ever seen.
pussycat liked a post in a topic by BChed in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates
thats what i saw as well, but my source is kinda shady.
whats your source for the Ticket Master code?
the Livenation presale code is EARLYBIRD
pussycat liked a post in a topic by BChed in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates
Ive made some headway hunting for presale codes.
I have the LiveNation/TM passcode and another lead on a passcode that "may or may not" work for the fanclub presale tomorrow --- I still can't find a definite lead on the fan club presale.
PM me if you want the codes.
pussycat liked a post in a topic by BChed in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates
im wondering the same thing. everyone on twitter seems to have the passcode. i signed up for her mailing list a long time ago and didnt get anything
if any fans could help out a fellow fan that'd be awesome!! shoot me a PM and karma will be kind to you
pussycat - if i find out anything i'll let you know.
BChed liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in My Cover of "Ride" !!! (on Soundcloud)
Tbh, your voice is fucking sexy & I want to fuck it. *downloading everything I can so I can be a creepy fan girl*
DyingLizzy liked a post in a topic by BChed in My Cover of "Ride" !!! (on Soundcloud)
Hey guys. Here's my cover of "Ride" posted on my Soundcloud page. I added some more light instrumentation to the song. If you dig it you can download it for free.
I'd love to know what you think. :)
EDIT: if you can't see it here go to my Soundcloud page and scroll down (Its the 10th song) -->
MissPinUpGalore liked a post in a topic by BChed in What happened to Lana´s look?
i think her very recent look is simply drop dead gorgeous. I saw the Cannes pics and IMO she looks better than she's ever looked.
slang liked a post in a topic by BChed in Why do you love Lana?
she is so unique. ive never heard anything like her. i've always been a fan of retro-lounge-jazz/pop-bigband music of the 20s through the 60s and she updates it in a way that is completely her own. she is one of the most risk-taking vocalists i've ever heard in the pop genre: She has so many tones and sounds she seamlessly plays around with, often within the context of one song or one verse. Her range is incredible both in the notes she can stretch to and stylistically.
essentially she utilizes everything i like about all of the genres i listen to and throws away everything that annoys me about those genres while adding many aspects of music i've never heard before. She needs to make music forever.
edit: and thats just the music side of her... then when you think about all the cinematic and visual elements of her persona your head will explode from the awesomeness.
cola liked a post in a topic by BChed in What should Lana's fans be called?
Del Ravers ??
Downtown Bodies ??
Leo liked a post in a topic by BChed in Why do you love Lana?
she is so unique. ive never heard anything like her. i've always been a fan of retro-lounge-jazz/pop-bigband music of the 20s through the 60s and she updates it in a way that is completely her own. she is one of the most risk-taking vocalists i've ever heard in the pop genre: She has so many tones and sounds she seamlessly plays around with, often within the context of one song or one verse. Her range is incredible both in the notes she can stretch to and stylistically.
essentially she utilizes everything i like about all of the genres i listen to and throws away everything that annoys me about those genres while adding many aspects of music i've never heard before. She needs to make music forever.
edit: and thats just the music side of her... then when you think about all the cinematic and visual elements of her persona your head will explode from the awesomeness.
Coney Island Queen liked a post in a topic by BChed in Why do you love Lana?
she is so unique. ive never heard anything like her. i've always been a fan of retro-lounge-jazz/pop-bigband music of the 20s through the 60s and she updates it in a way that is completely her own. she is one of the most risk-taking vocalists i've ever heard in the pop genre: She has so many tones and sounds she seamlessly plays around with, often within the context of one song or one verse. Her range is incredible both in the notes she can stretch to and stylistically.
essentially she utilizes everything i like about all of the genres i listen to and throws away everything that annoys me about those genres while adding many aspects of music i've never heard before. She needs to make music forever.
edit: and thats just the music side of her... then when you think about all the cinematic and visual elements of her persona your head will explode from the awesomeness.
prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by BChed in "Young & Beautiful" - Lead single from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack, OUT NOW!
love diet mountain dew lol
dont know why lucky ones and dark paradise get such a bad rap. ive always liked them but recently those 2 specifically have been my favs.
prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by BChed in Why do you love Lana?
she is so unique. ive never heard anything like her. i've always been a fan of retro-lounge-jazz/pop-bigband music of the 20s through the 60s and she updates it in a way that is completely her own. she is one of the most risk-taking vocalists i've ever heard in the pop genre: She has so many tones and sounds she seamlessly plays around with, often within the context of one song or one verse. Her range is incredible both in the notes she can stretch to and stylistically.
essentially she utilizes everything i like about all of the genres i listen to and throws away everything that annoys me about those genres while adding many aspects of music i've never heard before. She needs to make music forever.
edit: and thats just the music side of her... then when you think about all the cinematic and visual elements of her persona your head will explode from the awesomeness.
prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by BChed in "Young & Beautiful" - Lead single from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack, OUT NOW!
i love those songs. IMO there isn't a weak song on BTD...its honestly one of the best albums i've ever heard in any genre. definately makes my all-time fav list -- top 5 easy.
BChed liked a post in a topic by Coney Island Queen in Little things that you love about Lana
BChed liked a post in a topic by ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life in Little things that you love about Lana
Lana makes addictive! -
BChed liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in Little things that you love about Lana
She's adorable.
Reminds me of a Disney Princess.
Her voice captures me.
Can rap if she wanted to.
She's fucking gangster.
BChed liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Why do you love Lana?
Love you songs and her singing. Her lyrics mean something and are genuine. She has a style and look about her that is very sexy, but classy. Her music is unique. Part lounge, part hip-hop, part rock, but never boring. She's like a pop torch singer with real lyrics.
Plus she's so damn beautiful and so nice to her fans.
BChed liked a post in a topic by prettydrugs in "Young & Beautiful" - Lead single from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack, OUT NOW!
I still cant understand whats wrong with Lucky Ones and Dark Paradise ... The first is perfection and DP is okay, but not that bad! Cant wait for Y&B though, I expect alot from its verses
ednafrau liked a post in a topic by BChed in Lana Del Rey is back in the studio.
so excited for this. i dont care if it takes 2 more years for her to release it. just the fact that she is clearly NOT retiring and recording a new album is enough to make me very psyched.
BChed liked a post in a topic by plush in Lana Del Rey Covers Leonard Cohen's "Chelsea Hotel No. 2"
I feel like the guitar and her vocals are making love to me as I Lay back on a cloud in heaven
BChed liked a post in a topic by Plastic in Lana Del Rey Covers Leonard Cohen's "Chelsea Hotel No. 2"
I was making one too.