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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. This!! People are so fixated on the domain names but If people took the time to actually read the "sources" they keep posting, they would see from the interview with Rob that domain names were way more expensive than they are now and along with the real estate, he was making insanely huge investments with no promise that they would pay off. It's very possible that her parents were middle class and could have been comfortable under different circumstances, but had no assets and had all of their money tied up in these insane investments (probably why there's so much emphasis on the arguments). It's not hard to believe at all that he had a decent job in the city, moved to Lake Placid (which wasn't the cushy place it is now, another moot point people are trying to make), blew all of their money on investments and lived below their means because of that, and started reaping the benefits after Lana was at Kent (meaning she never saw a dime). Also I just want to point out that at my parents poorest, they were bankrupt, getting food from soup kitchens, and almost lost the house multiple times. But still paid for me to go on a school trip to Europe and sent me to a VERY expensive private university in NYC. I had scholarships and financial aid, but that's exactly my point. It's not impossible. And also maybe speaks to how even poor people handle their money and use what little of it they have. I don't think the things people are posting to prove Lana is lying hold any real weight. There's way more nuance to this than people want to act like there is. As far as her saying her parents didn't know she was singing until SNL, I think she meant to the extent that she was. Knowing your daughter as Lizzy Grant performing in bars is different than knowing about publishing deals and the Lana Del Rey persona from the BTD era. Idk why her nose is being brought up, but girly clearly got her nose and lips done with that $10k advance, and being dishonest about plastic surgery (ESPECIALLY in 2012) is much different than fabricating your entire childhood and upbringing. I feel like there's no way any real fan would claim the trailer park era was for funsies (not even gonna elaborate because iykyk) and I find it so strange that she took the time to make that video because she was so frustrated about being misunderstood, and her own "fans" are straight up calling her a liar and are going to weirdo lengths to try and prove it.
  2. I love how part of her and Nikki's friendship is just taking professional cunty pics together
  3. Why am I tempted to buy another A&W necklace even tho I already have one?? I feel like I need one to wear and one as a keepsake. I'm sick in the head omg
  4. Why do I not get the emails even tho I've entered my information so many times and signed up the first day
  5. Yeah! Every time I've camped out it's been by myself and the people around you will hold your spot for as long as you need. I've left lines for hours at a time and had no issues bc the line is established basically once there's someone behind you that saw you in that spot. As long as no one is blatantly cutting and being disrespectful, you'll generally have a better experience in any concert line if you don't worry about what other people are doing.
  6. As someone that's camped out overnight for Lana (and other artists) this is honestly how it usually is minus the physically writing numbers on hands. If they have people waiting in line and holding their spot and they're not just leaving as groups and coming back, what's the issue? Should they also not use the restroom or grab food since they're leaving the line? They showed up early enough, they have friends nice enough to hold their place, it's their spot in line and they can come and go as they please.
  7. Wait is it? Someone pls confirm bc I'm ready for more looks
  8. Those are definitely meds. Or supplements of some kind.
  9. Divisive Princess

    Taylor Swift

    Omg I was born and raised in Kansas City, our midwestern slay! Anyone that's complaining that Taylor and Kelce are all they're seeing on social media has NO idea what I'm going thru right now
  10. This is such an amazing story and proof that fate is real and everything happens for a reason. You were MEANT to meet Lana that day and as the backbone of the fandom, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. It warms my heart that Lana is such an amazing, sweet person. They say you should never meet your idols, but I don't worry when it comes to her. Thank you for sharing this!
  11. No like.. where are they? I went into a magazine store in NYC (that's all they sell is hundreds of magazines) and they don't even carry Hollywood Reporter.
  12. The fact that I'm taking a tolerance break from this song says a lot. It's just too good
  13. It's cute but can we have literally anyone else photograph her? A lot of her photoshoots this era basically look the same. I'm craving a different artistic direction.
  14. Anyways, does anyone know if Hollywood Reporter is carried at Barnes and Noble. And when we should expect it to hit shelves?
  15. I don't think Americana necessarily means country; I would argue that BTD fits the theme perfectly. I wouldn't mind an album that had a sound similar to Ride. We're talking about the woman that literally invented Americana (jk.. but not really actually).
  16. I don't know why this idea shocks and upsets people. It's feels full-circle from her early unreleased music.
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