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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. YOU GOT A PICTURE WITH BARRIE?! I'm so fucking jealous! I love him ( Well, time to murder you.
  2. I think she still looks flawless. No, it's not exactly what we're used to, but people change. When I look at what I wore in 2011 , it's almost tragic, so who can blame her if she doesn't have the same sense of style she had in '11. We'd be complaining about getting bored with her fashion if it was still the same, knowing this fandom.
  3. I think whoever started this thread has my same name.... anyways, I love Kassidy. I think they're great and they have some pretty good songs.
  4. I just needed to point something out- I don't think she took the extensions out. I think that she just pinned it all underneath because I saw a hair tutorial a looong time ago demonstrating this same look. Also, if you watch the video from PopCandies, you can see a bootyload of bobbypins.
  5. I LOVE the hair.... but the dress makes her look a lil on the chubby side. Not a bad thing, it's just different and maybe not a good cut for her. But she has been gaining weight and I actually think it suits her really well.
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