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La Dolce Vita

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Posts posted by La Dolce Vita

  1. I was referring to the fact that you were singling someone out for calling someone ugly, when in fact a lot of us also said it too. I wasn't bragging about it nor was i proud. My god. I was sticking up for my friend


    I did not single anyone out though. I specifically said that the comments regarding the actor are futile. Your little friend took offense to that and it went from there. Learn how to read.

  2. Well when i call someone ugly i just mean i'm not attracted to them, but they can still be good looking at the same time


    And? What makes you any different from your perception of me? You were actually proud of calling someone else ugly, yet you call me the mean-spirited one? "FREEDOM OF SPEECH...NOT FOR YOU THOUGH...SHUT UP!!!" Hilarious. Fuck off kiddo. 

  3. I never actually called him ugly. I said he was unattractive but that doesn't automatically mean 'ugly' :facepalm:


    Also, that comment was not even about you. It was about your friend, Terrence. Guilty conscience I guess?



    "WAHHH!! BULLY!! WAHHH!! MEAN-SPIRITED!!" all while proceeding to tell us how proud he is of the way he called someone else ugly. Rational. 



    I thanked you and agreed that it's a reach. Most speculation on here is. You got upset because I said that baseless theories are better than half a dozen pages of "UGLAAAY ACTOR!!!!" 


    "RT!!!!!!!!!!!" indeed.

  4. I included that AND her catty responses to La Dolce. That was the problem since the beginning. When Dolce entered the thread they just proceeded to post their theory. Didn't even comment on the previous comments. Do you understand how it started?


    "WAHHH!! BULLY!! WAHHH!! MEAN-SPIRITED!!" all while proceeding to tell us how proud he is of the way he called someone else ugly. Rational. 

  5. The "it's not that deep" thing is a joke though. It's not a peronal attack in any way


    Arcadia had an issue with the way I expressed boredom over the first dozen pages regarding the actor. Not my fault she couldn't handle the heat. Since you are such a notable advocate of "FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!" why don't you stop telling others to shut the fuck up?

  6.  La Dolce Vita entered the thread (after the 234 pages of "he's ugly" x1000 comments) to post a theory for the video. Arcadia then first quoted them with her shit ass picture "IT'S NOT THAT DEEPZZZ" (oh and tearing down a stranger's appearance from the video is "deep"? haha..) plus her next catty response to La Dolce. That's the problem and that's what started it. It's Arcadia's fault. If she can't take it then she needs to learn she shouldn't dish it either. It's that simple. Had Arcadia not been catty to Dolce Vita none of this would have happened. She got what she deserved and that will be the end of this story. 

    And Like Dolce Vita very well said, the bully got bullied. 


    I'm still waiting to see when Arcadia is going to ask people to stop commenting on this subject and by that I mean ALL the people including the knights in shining armor that popped up in the thread to defend her bruised honor. Fair is fair. 


    I'm seeing all sorts of excuses regarding Arcadia's behavior, it's hilarious. Now I have some kid telling me celebrities are immune to bullying and that they have it coming due to the business they're in, yet I'm the apathetic one? "FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!" then proceeds to tell me to shut up. Priceless. 

  7. Um, having an opinion isn't bullying but okay. It's not like she spammed his instagram calling him ugly. Or pointed her finger at him and laughed. My god, get your head outta your ass. This is a forum. We state our opinions. The guy isn't here, nor will he care.


    Celebrities are in the public eye, so it doesn't exactly count as bullying. Do you think all the stars in the world go home and cry about how many people on chat forums are calling them names? They don't give a fuck, they got into the business knowing that they'd get judgment. It was their choice. And if they do consider it bullying, then maybe they shouldn't be in that kind of business.


    She posted her bullshit on a public forum knowing full well of the consequences. If she doesn't want to be called out on her hypocrisy, then she shouldn't display it. 

  8. If someone dissed a guy who i though was hot, i wouldn't start bringing up their personal problems and making them feel bad about their own opinion. I'd accept it and just move on. But i guess that's the difference between a good person and a bad one.

    When someone disses another persons appearance, that someone should expect to receive the same treatment in return. The bully got "bullied". Go find another corner to weep in, loser.

  9. Bingo. She is whining for you to "stop clogging the thread" (eventho no you are not clogging the thread) but I don't see her doing the same for everyone else that brought it up/keep bringing it up? Oh wait, that's because they were supportive of her and she needed that. Funny how that works.  :smokes:


    Too convenient for her liking. She never told her little buddies to shut up yet expects me to, all while preaching about freedom of speech. I guess anyone that doesn't agree with her is exempt from that movement.

    You're disgusting, people have every right to state their opinion on someone else's appearance. And it's funny you keep calling Arcadia insecure when in fact it seems like you're the only insecure one here. There was no reason for you to be such a dick and start coming for another user in that way. It was just unnecesarry, cruel and mean spirited. You're obviously just a butt hurt, insecure little bully who needs to put others down to feel better about themselves. How sad.


    Sit the fuck down.

    There was no need for people to bully the actor by calling him ugly and "not hawwwt" for half a dozen pages straight either. Get the fuck over yourself kid.

  10. This isn't really my fight but bitch stfu, @Arcadia is a Queen, plus anyone no matter how they look has a right to have an opinion on someone else's appearence. It's a free world and we can all say and do whatever the fuck we like.


    Yeah it is a free world cunt and I can say whatever I like in return. Fuck off and go cry about Arcadia being "cyber-bullied".

  11. For the last time, I'm not isnecure. I've tried to bite my tongue but this has gone on for too damn long. Read the private message I sent you for Christ sake and stop clogging the motherfucking thread with your incessant whining. We get it. You hate me. Move along. I'm done. Bye.

    You are definitely insecure and you haven't bitten your tongue at all. I don't see you telling those who defend you to stop clogging the thread, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and get over the fact that not everyone will fuck with your hypocrisy.

  12. Yup, I like that Axl Rose theory you gave. I googled his young pics & he really does look like him! :flutter:

    (I guess Arcadia mentioned she was just joking but I'm sorry if you were hurt)

    Well thanks, but that's not what bothered me. It's just a dumb theory after all, it means nothing. What bothered me is her response - "I WUNT KISS LANUHS AZZ, U CANT MEK ME!" which had nothing to do with anything. She couldn't cope with the fact that someone called her out on her own insecurities after confidently criticizing someone else. That was the hardest pill for her to swallow.

  13. Okay, let's not bring her up. Many others have said the same thing she did & she doesn't deserve to be put under the microscope for expressing herself.


    Yes, of course you are entitled your opinion but when someone on a forum says they don't like some music or the appearance of an actor, give their reasons for it - & you disagree - you're supposed to tell them why you like that piece of music & why you think that the actor looks beautiful - this is how a forum works.


    We would love to hear your opinions about the WM video & Lana's selection on her leading man & what you like about him - not dissect someone's personal life or blog because they do not like him.


    Let's just end this narrative here


    Not sure which thread you've been reading, but that's actually exactly what I did. I posted a stupid theory regarding the song/video to break the "DIS GUY SO OOGLAIIII!!!" monotony which resulted in Arcadia and some other halfwit taking pride in their lame cattiness. You get what you're given. She shouldn't victimize herself.

  14. I don't think that the guy is ugly at all (!) but I can understand that everyone has different tastes & I gotta respect their opinions. It's a discussion forum after all.

    I really feel sorry for Arcadia and how her personal life was brought up on a public forum in the name of proving her wrong. You should be ashamed guys. She shared that info on the safe-section of Lanaboards where people have talked about depression, insecurities, addiction & even molestation. You're not supposed to bring that up outside that & use it against them. This is cyber bullying.

    .. & Arcadia, the way you've tried to defend yourself made it worse. You know these guys were not gonna care for what you were saying anyway - plus you don't owe them ANY explaination.

    If someone has the cojones to pass a comment on another persons appearance then they shouldn't complain when others question them in return. Like you said, this is a discussion forum. Just as Arcadia is entitled to her two cents regarding the actor, I'm entitled to mine about her posts. Why play the victim to circumstances you created?

  15. "Leave Arcadiaaa alone!!! STOP HATIN!!!" 


    Exactly what I'm talking about. You guys can dish it out but you can't take it. It's pathetic. Call someone ugly for half a dozen pages? "SO FUNNI I AGREE, HES OOGLI AND ANYONE WHO DOESNT AGREE CAN GET OVAH IT!!! MA OPINION!!! I CAN EXPRESS MA OPINION AND U CANT EXPRESS URS!!!" Call someone out on their shit? "OMG STOP HATINNNN!!! MEAN!!!"


    I'm not sure why Arcadia is so hellbent on playing the victim. If you cannot handle what others say about you, why stand on a soapbox scrutinizing others? When it comes to posting her own photos, she admitted that she's too insecure to do so because others would possibly, in her words, "use it against me- I'm not down for dat". Just because you're free to voice your opinion doesn't mean others aren't free to voice theirs in return. 

  16. Yeah because you won't shut the fuck up about it. Damn, it's 5am for Christ sake, I'm done. If you care so much, PMs are open. Simple.


    Of course I won't. Why should I? So you're the only one entitled to voice your opinion? No one else can? That's cute. You were being rude, you got called out. Don't start shit you can't handle. 

    Why keep discussing it anyways? It really doesn't have any importance in real life so cut it off. Also you've all created an off topic mess. 


    You tried to palm the blame onto me honey. If you didn't want the thread to escalate further then you should have just stuck to the topic at hand. 

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