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Up N Down

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Posts posted by Up N Down

  1. not sculpture!  according to 24/7 the final is very good and she will be using it for something tho!  not this cx2 tho


    god i wish




    no but what is this


    if you mean this as a song name, no


    no but whats medusa


    But didnt someone on this thread say that the 24/7 person doesnt know anything? 

  2. also 24/7 is talking to me again and now that its public i can say i knew about the 4-5 songs cut from the record at the later stages.  i wont name them but i knew of their existence

    Alexandra, misbelieving, cure, tmtd & atr?

  3. If I can remember correctly, Allie posted a link to download a HUGE folder of scrapped TMTD footage. I remember seeing the tweet last year when TMTD video was posted, but never clicked on it because I didn't listen to Allie then. Can someone send me a link to the folder??

    I think that was just an idea, it never actually happened

  4. Found this online. Could be completely fake but apparently Marina has written a song with Kenan Williams for Katy Perry's upcoming album, either called "Ocean of a Lifetime" or "Passed the Past".


    Supposedly this is the demo:




    It sounds really good whatever it is, and I could see some of the melodies having a Marina-ish sound to them, more like her EH songs.


    It's also interesting because it's on Genius lyrics as well (could have been anyone adding it, but still): https://genius.com/Kenan-williams-passed-the-past-lyrics


    You can even find this "demo" being scrobbled on last.fm: https://www.last.fm/music/Kenan+Williams/_/Passed+the+Past


    Idk what to say about this. All I know is that I can't find this song under any name anywhere else on the internet so it's definitely some sort of "exclusive" song. I can't say for sure whether Marina has really worked on this or whether it's actually for Katy's album or not, but I thought I'd share anyway in case anyone else can sleuth out any other details or already knows something the rest of us don't.



    Kenan Williams - Passed The Past, his latest single...

  5. a public video with 25k views and by listening to the song you're continuing the memory of the person it's about what's the problem

    its the fact they took pride in "leaking" it that made me mad, not the fact its out there 

  6. omg chill the fuck out hoarders

    bitchhhhh it was not about hoarding, I didn't have this before they posted it, therefor I couldn't "hoard" it, think about what this person has done, this isn't just a normal leak

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