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Everything posted by FROGGO

  1. I was being facetious I'm sorry to anyone I may have offended.
  2. Anyone outraged by this clearly doesn't meet his criteria for shopping in his stores in the first place. Remain pressed.
  3. Yep, just 00 - 09 albums in there! I do really love The Suburbs, although not as much as Funeral and Neon Bible. I was REALLY into Franz Ferdinand when they first came out, I actually think I qualified for stan-status. Then they dropped their sophomore album and I just wasn't feeling it... and I haven't been a fan ever since. I think I'll post another 9 albums soon. This is fun!
  4. Because I'm in a pop frame of mind now...
  5. Just people harassing Aaron LaCrate on Twitter, and said people drawing criticism from fellow members here, and the criticism from said fellow members is criticized from other members for being too dramatic and not warranted given the hypocrisy and holier-than-thou attitudes, and lastly evil's expert meta-analysis, or rather, criticism of the criticism of the criticism. It's all very ridiculous. Maybe someone will criticize this post of mine!
  6. Am I the only one not at all thinking we're going to hear Black Beauty in the summer or that there's even a Q3/Q4 album release in the works at all? Nothing has been confirmed, I believe. (????)

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    http://yourfaveisproblematic.tumblr.com/post/46023648705/marina-diamandis-marina-the-diamonds ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. BLACKFACE? BLACKFACE??? what the fuck, STOP REACHING

    Charli XCX

    Thank you for the advice and the offer (I may take you up on that later)!

    Charli XCX

    So is True Romance the best place to start, or should I go with the mixtape, or does she have EPs or...? I don't know, I'm completely unfamiliar with her work
  10. FROGGO

    Charli XCX

    Should I get into her? I'm pretty indifferent.
  11. Thank you so much! This is really, really helpful :3
  12. Lana WISHES she looked like Celine. What a babe. What a babe.
  13. What album art do you use for American Dream? I'm totally copying you.
  14. I used to have this really organized discography but since Fall I haven't been keeping track of new leaks, new covers, new videos, radio versions, remixes, etc, and I don't have most of the new media. #badlanafan
  15. FROGGO

    Michael Jackson

    so fucking talented.
  16. FROGGO


    Close, but she's a textbook ISFP.
  17. Um. I don't want to throw HDB under the bus here, but I thought how the Foolish and CC debacle was handled was kind of ridiculous, grossly unfair, and was favoritism at work.
  18. Please make a melodramatic status update about you leaving so we can beg you to stay and give you attention
  19. Woops. I most definitely did not hear soundtrack when she was speaking, the translator's voice on top was too much for me to decipher what was being said. Good catch
  20. He did, because DUKE is awesome
  21. Yep, here's the interview, she mentions it along with Gods & Monsters and Body Electric at approx 5:50:
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