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Everything posted by FROGGO

  1. I was preparing to shit on this statement (because the perpetuation of ~The Land of Opportunity~ and ~The American Dream~ irk me to no end) until I learned that the only western country that has worse socio-economic mobility than the US is.... well, the UK. But both of you guys are doing really shitty, so don't take being second worst as some sort of achievement. Nordic Countries + Canada >>>>>>>>>>>>> UK + US
  2. Deleted for being rude, as usual.
  3. Phoenix (band) should be releasing an album in April, I'm really excited for that! And of course, I am impatiently waiting for Cassie's mixtape Rock-A-Bye Baby and her upcoming sophomore album... but considering that Rock-A-Bye Baby was supposed to be released August 2012 (6 months over-due) and her last (and only) album was released August 2006, (6.5 years over-due), I'm not holding my breath. At the very least, Arcade Fire is releasing an album in the last quarter of the year, so when 2014 comes and Cassie has inevitability not released an album (or even a mixtape), their album will at least dull the pain of another album-less Cassie year.
  4. She looks great :3 Her lips are also at the perfect size (not too big or fake-looking), the injections must've worn off a bit.
  5. well, i wouldn't have banned the poor guy, but it is what it is. moderators use their discretion.
  6. 'Cause we all know this is the worst possible thing a man could be perceived as: feminine.

    Sigur Rós

    The only album of theirs I've listened to is Ágætis Byrjun and I really, really, really loved it. Posting this now makes me wonder why I haven't already downloaded their discography! Thanks for the reminder!
  8. I know, Sitar can't satisfy you the same way I can
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