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AW Pussy

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Everything posted by AW Pussy

  1. Why I feel like she will release it on 1st March... why tease video on last day of feb?
  2. I personally really love Love song... it makes me feel lot of things.... intro makes me so nostalgic it almost hurts. There are moments when I can’t listen to the intro because it makes my heart ache so bad.. I don’t know why this happens, it doesn’t remind me anything specific but still........
  3. I still don’t get the reason why white dress was in that playlist... who added it? If it was added by itunes or apple music itself that should mean something, right????? Even if it was removed.. why today???????
  4. Okay now it’s really A FACT!!!! if you are not on team delulu you are gonna always lose cause team delulu ALWAYS WIN!!!! ladieeeessss.... are we readyy???
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