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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. I think the bartender is just a representative of the intimate relationship Lana is attempting to have with the listener. Intimate as in, “spilling her innermost thoughts to” without much worry of you judging her. Bartenders are typically seen as a confidant in media and I’m sure real life to an extent. I mean, how many shows have a character that’s a bartender that listens and gives eye opening advice to the main character who’s going thru it? just my thoughts
  2. edit: i was asked to remove this comment
  3. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    ya'll will see a bts video and then write an essay on why melanie is the worst artist to ever exist
  4. They can get the site removed for posting content that isn’t officially out
  5. Any song off of the first two albums Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood did. Actually, the fact we only got a cover of summer wine is criminal. I know Barrie isn’t some well known artist but I can’t help but imagine in an alternate universe, the two of them made a cover album
  6. Ethel will be featured in Ashnikko’s album, weed killer, on a song called dying star
  7. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    teddy bear and mrs. potato head are the instant skips for me
  8. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    please i saw teacher's pet and thought you were about to drag it right after i posted praises i agree about show & tell, but I don't listen to SS or detention. actually, i don't listen to most of the album LOL. I'd say the only ones i actively seek out are Show & Tell, Lunchbox Friends, TP, Drama Club, and Fire Drill (don't care that it's not on the album, i consider it part of k-12). Also, I can't stand nurse's office. i remember when k-12 first came out and people were highlighting that song the sneezing/coughing just repulses me
  9. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    i have nothing to add to whatever conversation is going on rn, but i stand by the fact that teacher's pet is not only top 5 in k-12, but also one of the most underrated songs in her whole disco
  10. this rollout is by far the most i've spent on her and i dont regret it only bc the variants have different covers. this is also my first picture disc so im gonna cut my self some slack by dropping 40$ i shouldnt have on it
  11. Party Favor

    Miley Cyrus

    She should’ve stuck with the plastic heart sound. It suits her so well. I’m excited for the album but I’ve never really been a fan of her pure pop albums (dead petz is my #1 followed by PH respectfully lol) so I’m kinda worried I’m gonna dislike it. Doesn’t help the features are…a choice
  12. I use AM exclusively but have a Spotify for this reason. Does it cost money to get an account with ads? Cuz if not I would just make a burner Spotify to follow certain artists and listen to them like once. I’ve never played lana on Spotify but I follow her and it sent me a link so
  13. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    Because her fans hate everything she does or doesn’t do
  14. Got the lighter but I think everything else is mediocre. I feel the jacket would look better if the patches looked more worn in. They need to release the box set already. I missed out on ultraviolence, I will NOT let that happen this time around
  15. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    I see the cry baby persona exists in a lot of y’all
  16. tell her reps to show her this post then
  17. miss cain i know you read this thread who's dick do i have to SUCK in order for you to tour in arizona
  18. I saw her for LA to the moon I’m just being bitter bc every popular artist I like hasn’t come here recently Taylor doesn’t count bc she’s not worth the ticket prices
  19. I don’t really care if she tours bc I know her ass is gonna skip over Arizona like 90% of all popular musicians
  20. Party Favor

    Melanie Martinez

    Love the aesthetics already, can’t believe it’s actually about to happen
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