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Everything posted by LennyDelRye

  1. Mark my words. The song that's going to be big is the one no one is looking at: God Bless America - And The Beautiful Women In It. And interview stated it was single material but too divisive to put out. I guess in 2017 America, mention God and you have to run to a tornado shelter to avoid what the trolls will throw at you.
  2. Oh No!!!! If you remove the collabs, which are 5, you're down to 11. If Heroin should by chance be a cover, then you have 10, Ultraviolence before the bonus tracks had 10 new songs plus one cover. If you're into "pure" Lana songs, were no farther ahead than Ultraviolence!
  3. Check Wynwoods quote on page 1608, it has Beautiful People Beauitful Problems.
  4. Anybody notice that on that track list, Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems, the second "Beautiful" is misspelled. That's odd.
  5. Video Games first appeared online on June 29, 2011. And June of 2018 we'll have gone 7 years since that time. Seven year cycles are all important. I can't say what will happen but there will be some kind of change in her career in 2018. People are welcome to disagree but this 7 year thing has been known right back to Biblical times.
  6. Since the Summer Bummer single release ended up being fake, does anyone know if the track list that was on here about a week ago is real or also fake?
  7. Wish you could go back in time when you'd have the single out about a month or month and a half before the album comes out. Just a matter of time before singers put out 7 or 8 singles, 2 or 3 snippets and then the only anticipation when the album comes out is; " Jeez, I wonder what the bonus tracks are like".
  8. Well, maybe " Two New Tracks" means two bonus tracks to the tracklist. (ie. Deluxe Edition)
  9. Everything has been delayed because Lana decided to change the title of the album to Born To Pre Order.
  10. NASA just said that Summer Bummer will only be played on a radio station on Mars. Unfortunately by the time humans land there and hear the song Lana's grandchildren will be putting out albums.
  11. Apparently the new release date for Summer Bummer is April 1, 2018.
  12. The new modern pandemic; "Fake News", brought to you by the Photo Shop virus.
  13. I just hope that this whole song release thing isn't just fake news. It's getting close to the point that I don't believe anything out there.
  14. I'm soooo happy. It's June 24 and I've used all of my willpower to avoid listening to any songs or snippets other than Love, which I bought off iTunes. That means 15 or more songs to look forward to. Yayyy!!!
  15. I have a theory as to what's going on with Lust For Life. Lana knows she might not outsell her competition, but she certainly wants compete on a creative level. Based on everything I've read, she's recorded a truckload of songs in the last couple of years, so many that she had to drop quite a few onto the floor. Trouble is those songs may have been every bit a good as what she originally was going to put out but maybe in a different or more experimental direction. So everything is go for a May 26 release. Opps, Katy and Lorde are coming out with their new music only a couple of weeks after Lana's release date. Put on the breaks, delay the release until 5 weeks after Lorde's CD. That way she gets to hear what her rivals have brought the table and the competitive girl that she is, has just enough time to up her game even more y possibly changing the lineup by recording a few more or adding the songs that she discarded in the first place. It's just a theory but I believe it makes some sense and may also be a reason why there has been no tracklist up to now.
  16. David Bowie, one of the greatest of all time didn't have a number #1 album in the U.S. until he'd passed away with Black Star. Just shows that you don't have to sell a gazillion CDs in your career to have a huge impact on music.
  17. That's why I mentioned on my very first posts that the change to July 21 helps move the release away from the Perry/Lorde back to back releases on June 9/16 that would have been only 2 weeks after the original May 26 release date. Timing is sometimes very important so as to not clash with other artist taking away the spotlight.
  18. I've only heard Love and refuse to hear anything else until the album comes out. The current trend of teasing good portion of the album is truly insane. Release date comes and you just can't wait to here the bonus tracks as that is all that hasn't been teased. I'm all for one single out 6 weeks before the album and then album release time.
  19. I blew it. My first post as a newbie should have been " The Bagel has landed. That's one small step for Lana, one giant leap for Lenny.
  20. Reading her description makes me believe this will be Lana's equivalent of The Beatles White Album.
  21. Coming Soon by Lana Del Rey coming out on July 21 and featuring Tomorrow Never Came with Sean Lennon. More details coming soon.
  22. YouTube appeared in 2005. How many of the singers and musicians who've been "discovered" thru Youtube would have made it before the Internet came on the scene?
  23. Let's See: Possible Plan A. May 26 - Lana June 9 - Katy Perry June 16 - Lorde Plan B. June 9 - Katy Perry June 16 - Lorde July 21 - Lana Plan B now makes more sense as long as they don't tease most of the album before hand.
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