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Posts posted by LanasPhilosophy

  1. tenor.gif?itemid=5491063


    you're a sick, sick person.

    im aacctually quoting lanas best friend courtney love she has a song called "the only rape i know" and manyt songs about rape and she likes to yell "u cant rape the willing!!" AT HER CONCERTS hehehehe 

    99% of rape is the victims fault..... they put themselves in the position.,.. its different if they r literally kidnapperd by a stranger and raped..... but usually its just slutty girl ccry babies in mini skirts lol

    im aacctually quoting lanas best friend courtney love she has a song called "the only rape i know" and manyt songs about rape and she likes to yell "u cant rape the willing!!" AT HER CONCERTS hehehehe 

    99% of rape is the victims fault..... they put themselves in the position.,.. its different if they r literally kidnapperd by a stranger and raped..... but usually its just slutty girl ccry babies in mini skirts lol

    but im a virgin so what do i know

    im aacctually quoting lanas best friend courtney love she has a song called "the only rape i know" and manyt songs about rape and she likes to yell "u cant rape the willing!!" AT HER CONCERTS hehehehe 

    99% of rape is the victims fault..... they put themselves in the position.,.. its different if they r literally kidnapperd by a stranger and raped..... but usually its just slutty girl ccry babies in mini skirts lol

    but im a virgin so what do i know

    just plz lsiten to this song and realize how charlie inspired lanas whole body of art

  2. Graham you've become one of my favorite members lately



    This thread is wild these newbies are getting too comfortable

    trump will work with anyone who is devoted to his agenda regardless of personality....liberals are superficial material clingers

    liberALS support pedos unlesss the pedo is conservative.... look at hollywood... so obvious


    must lisrten great song by manson

  3. this man was literally raised with the idea (pushed by his father) that the white race is genetically superior and that the Trump gene is superior as well. Seeing videos from the 70s-90s this man has never been able to string a proper sentence withouth butchering some grammatical rule. We don't need to meet a media mogul that loves to suck the medias tit to know how immature he is (like, come on, we have enough videography footage to make a 5000000 hour documentary about his life and form opinions over them).

    he raced to be president simply because he could; he could give no fucks about politics or the 99%. 



    i would love to know how you magically switched the on/off sexuality button and how that has any relations to the topic that is being discussed.

    Also Lana is one of THE most unrealistic creators out there. She has created a small "fantasy" universe within her music that literally has in no way any connection to "reality"

    (new york transplant lolita going to the beach, driving down Sunset Blv with her daddy on her Jaguar.. so realistic and #relatable)

    God Bless America and WTWWAW do not count

    its called metaphors.... if she wants to "make her life a work of art" and "she has a big degree in philosophy but doesnt know what she wants to be going into aviation"  not exact quotes but u get the point......... its not too far fetched that theres an underlying message in her lyrics 

    its called metaphors.... if she wants to "make her life a work of art" and "she has a big degree in philosophy but doesnt know what she wants to be going into aviation"  not exact quotes but u get the point......... its not too far fetched that theres an underlying message in her lyrics 

    typical liberal.. tolerant of everyone unless they DISAGREE with you... then you become hateful monsters

    this man was literally raised with the idea (pushed by his father) that the white race is genetically superior and that the Trump gene is superior as well. Seeing videos from the 70s-90s this man has never been able to string a proper sentence withouth butchering some grammatical rule. We don't need to meet a media mogul that loves to suck the medias tit to know how immature he is (like, come on, we have enough videography footage to make a 5000000 hour documentary about his life and form opinions over them).

    he raced to be president simply because he could; he could give no fucks about politics or the 99%. 



    i would love to know how you magically switched the on/off sexuality button and how that has any relations to the topic that is being discussed.

    Also Lana is one of THE most unrealistic creators out there. She has created a small "fantasy" universe within her music that literally has in no way any connection to "reality"

    (new york transplant lolita going to the beach, driving down Sunset Blv with her daddy on her Jaguar.. so realistic and #relatable)

    God Bless America and WTWWAW do not count

    if those 2 songs dont count why would they be on an official album,... they ALL count


    god bless america links directly to national anthem


    world at war directly links to ride


    just like ancient knowledge that the stars and the earth are ONE


    the war in her mind is equal to the world at war


    everything is connected in the universe


    just like her art

  4. Can we PLEASE ban this dude?


    Obviously he is a troll and he has undoubtedly spammed this thread, among others, with useless and insensitive drivel...


    Insulting women, gays, immigrants, and condoning sexual assault, supporting the people who literally hung dolls of Obama on a noose and supporting gay conversion therapy??? How is he not banned yet?


    He literally admitted he takes drugs and all his writing is clearly coming from some state of hallucination.

    thats very judgemental ... and hitlerian.... u want to silence everyone with a different opinion..... if you were in charge everyone who isnt a crazed liberal would be sentenced to death

  5. new kind of porno one that has yet been borno   ..... with lanas next album ill be proven right... thats shes a zen master in disguise

    lana took ancient buddhist wisdom and evolved it and her music is her way of turning us all into zen masters...... the fact we were all blind to it as it was staring us in the face for years.////// just wait

    buddhism is all about transceding suffering

    lanas bestie courtney "people like me fuck people like you in order to avoid suffering"
    the porno metaphorically will show us the light

    i could never be bothered to make a sign or go to a trump rally.... i dont love trump i just hate hillary... i hate her cuz shes evil
    the fact trump magically won against her against all odds simply strengthened my faith that the universe has a plan

    the fact is trump won the election.... and your mad cuz he is not handsome or elegant enough..... u dont care about substance you only care about policing his manners and mental heallth...... you are insulting him...... he is not the all controlling god......... there is a congress and senate and tonnes of agencies....... trump is not the king

    you should have some respect for your government structure...... its the best in the world..... u might get a bad president once in a while but he can never do much damage....... be more grateful            listen to cherry a few times and meditate on it

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fuui9qICYg  this is why i love trump

  6. i could never be bothered to make a sign or go to a trump rally.... i dont love trump i just hate hillary... i hate her cuz shes evil
    the fact trump magically won against her against all odds simply strengthened my faith that the universe has a plan

    the fact is trump won the election.... and your mad cuz he is not handsome or elegant enough..... u dont care about substance you only care about policing his manners and mental heallth...... you are insulting him...... he is not the all controlling god......... there is a congress and senate and tonnes of agencies....... trump is not the king

    you should have some respect for your government structure...... its the best in the world..... u might get a bad president once in a while but he can never do much damage....... be more grateful            listen to cherry a few times and meditate on it

  7. i trust the universe and thats all i need...... u should listen closely to lanas music to try to acheive a new outlook on life..... u seem to have a chip on ur shoulder... if the media supported trump for president and said nice things about him... you would love him....... thats a fact....... sheeep. its a fact the ruissian bots were anti trump...... its a fact.,,,,, ur in la la land

    conservatives literally hung obama dolls on a noose Gallows_of_Effigy_Obama_noose_November_2 19956914_BG1.jpghang26n-1-web1.jpg?fit=635%2C398Obama-Jones-effigy1.jpg


    conservatives literally said obama is muslim and wasn't born here without any actual evidence


    conservatives said there wouldn't be any black presidents any time soon because of how 'bad' a job obama did


    conservatives criticized michelle for wearing a sleeveless dress yet said nothing when melania had her thong sticking all the way out in a meeting or the fact that she did nude photos





    he doesnt waste any energy over you ppl... hes working to help you even tho ur biting the hand that feeds

    i used to be gay and now im full straight and i beleive to the bottom of my soul that gender confusion is mental illness but in this day and age everything is backwards so im not gunna judge ppl or dislike them for their choices... but lanas music guided me back to reality and to ancient buddhist knowledge and i am a full on straight mALE WITH NO DESIRES no desire for money sex or anything

    i have no emotional investment in hatred for anyone

    you are clinging to hate which is toxic i hope u dont spend all day doing this  loll

    calling ppl racist proves nothing it just makes u look stupid

  8. lady the majority of hispanic americans who are citizens agree that an open border with mexico is bad news...... sure if ur a doctor or scientist come on in..... if not stay in your own country....... even if 2% of these welfare immigrants end up being violent... thats not fair to our citizens..... would you open up your house 2 a bunch of ranom ppl from the street or wud it feel unsafe

    mass shootings make up less than 1% of gun crime... 99% of gun crime is gang related in gun free zones....... when la abiding ppl carry guns the criminals cant get away with there bullshit and crime goes down..... mass shootings there is nothing to do with racism....... blacks usually kill their own race in the gun free zones...... and white dont go around killing blacks...... the whole race drama was perpetuated by obama to divide us

    mass shootings make up less than 1% of gun crime... 99% of gun crime is gang related in gun free zones....... when la abiding ppl carry guns the criminals cant get away with there bullshit and crime goes down..... mass shootings there is nothing to do with racism....... blacks usually kill their own race in the gun free zones...... and white dont go around killing blacks...... the whole race drama was perpetuated by obama to divide us

    but liberals are becoming very violent and crazy lately

    imagine conservatives did 1% to obama what liberals do to trump


    constant calls for his death and assassination


    if one conservative said that about obama hed be in jail instantly

    its liberal hypocrisy any way u slice iit

  9. was gonna try and prove you wrong in every little thing you've posted thus far, but this just shows how ignorant you are. another disgusting racist. can't wait for you to be banned like the others


    you don't bring up the fact that most of the mass shootings in the past years have been done by white men or that the biggest mass shootings were done by white men. you just bring up other races as your scapegoat. if you didn't have any problem with anyone owning guns then you wouldn't have brought up that point.


    you only think one way. because bringing up people of color benefited your "point" you brought it up. you only want white people to own guns. I've read so much about people like you in my psychology class and I'm honestly just sick of y'all.


    you're one of those people who says "you're such a patriot" to a white man when he brings his gun to the supermarket but when a hispanic or black person does it they're a thug or if a muslim does it they're a terrorist.


    you're disgusting

    lady the majority of hispanic americans who are citizens agree that an open border with mexico is bad news...... sure if ur a doctor or scientist come on in..... if not stay in your own country....... even if 2% of these welfare immigrants end up being violent... thats not fair to our citizens..... would you open up your house 2 a bunch of ranom ppl from the street or wud it feel unsafe

  10. the vast majority of gun violence is black on black in cities like chicago where guns are banned

    legal gun owners with permits used their guns in self defense over 100,000 times last year 

    legal gun owners dont go around shooting

    its ur beloved mexican immigrants and thugs killing ppl just the news dont report it 

    it makes no sense to wait 10 mins for a cop to come when ur life is on the line........ simple as a gun on ur belt likle a cell phone

    and what happens when u magically round up milliopns of guns then a new hitler comes to power and no1 can defend against it

  11. so ur saying u wanna give ultimate power to a group of crazy ass doctors who prescribe millions of pills that cause ppl to commit suicide and mass murder

    i dont get why liberals support taking in people who beleive in genital mutilation and throwing gays off buildings as death penalty.

    liberals dont udnerstand concept of checks and balances..... millions of immigrants come and suck up the welfare...... its  A JOKE

    trump is extremely reasonable compared to the clintons.......... clintons only goal would be to make a billion dollars off selling out the country as president..  just like her hacked emails show she did as secretary of state

  12. No henny........

    People weren't upset over him saying pussy...........

    People were upset because the sentence it was used in was confession of sexual assault.......................


    You describe the methods you use to harass women to your mother? Thats nice

    he wasnt describing an action he did...... he was saying that he can get women really easy ...... thats all he meant by it its obivous if u ndont have trump derangement syndrome to see that

    also trump has arrested thousnads of pedophiles and saves thousands of sex slave children.......... obama helped cover it up cuz theyre his buddis alot of them

  13. the stock market is at an all time high directly from the trump effect... he removed hundreds of  bullshit regulations allowing small businesses to run without hassle
    its gunna keep getting better and better exponentially and soon you wont be able 2 deny hes done a great job.. just wait and see

    trumps policy positions are basically a classical liberal...... it rly makes no sense that liberals bash him

    No henny........

    People weren't upset over him saying pussy...........

    People were upset because the sentence it was used in was confession of sexual assault.......................

    he was talking to another guy... i say worse things to my mom lol



    No henny........

    People weren't upset over him saying pussy...........

    People were upset because the sentence it was used in was confession of sexual assault.......................

     u fucking serious........ his oppentnt hillary clinton   DESTROYED the lives of the women her husband RAPED 

  14. look up the gay milo yionanpolus gay.... he looks and dresses and acts like a gay trendy liberal..... but hes conservative...... and he destroys anyone who tries to come at him........ i dont have the skillset to convert

    liberalism is like a cult its scary and interesting........ they cry bloody murder over trump saying the word pussy yet they support the hollywood pedophile industry and watch pornographic television all day and watch pop stars turn their kids into whores........

    trump says 1 thing and the cult all attacks like  a swarm of bees...

  15. You are honestly terrifying


    Whenever you're in a public place where a TV is playing something with Trump on it, every single person watching just shakes their head or rolls their eyes. There is no type of widespread pride lol

    ur living in a liberal zombie zone lol..... the fact is if hillary won the right would shutup and move on....... it would be a year of crying over the results...  they are so butthurt thats its painful to watch luckily some top democrats are now coming out admitting hillary had seth rich murdered and they feared for their lives if they did not obey hillary...... as long as hillary goes down im happy...... bernie is at least sane........ hillary and her friends are absolute armegeddon....... u can youtube clips of hillary laughing like a mad man about  assassinating foreign leaders


    1. Yes, I do think he could become president even though he's stupid. Apparently, it has happened, no? Plus, there's rumors of Russia manipulating the elections thanks to Trump, and I haven't heard of anyone who has shown any proof yet, but such rumors alone are alarming.
    2. Trump is not for the people, only for his own kind and when it suits him.
    3. Something he's done that's terrible:
    • "Grab them by the pussy"
    • Contact with former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke
    • Writing political stuff on his Twitter account which causes a political stirr, for example worsening the North Korea situation
    • Called Mexicans for rapists
    • Wanting a travel ban on muslims - in a the United States of America where all people of all religion are supposed to be equal
    • Actually banned an Iranian doctor from entering USA with that ban
    • Fired a FBI(!) boss
    • And so much more

          4. He still plays golf, even though he should be helping the people of Puerto Rico. Not much of a life style change there for me to see.


    And I could go on, but it's past midnight and a new day to get up early to. Sorry for any mispellings.


    LMAO thats crumbs comnpared to the good hes done. laughable


    1. Yes, I do think he could become president even though he's stupid. Apparently, it has happened, no? Plus, there's rumors of Russia manipulating the elections thanks to Trump, and I haven't heard of anyone who has shown any proof yet, but such rumors alone are alarming.
    2. Trump is not for the people, only for his own kind and when it suits him.
    3. Something he's done that's terrible:
    • "Grab them by the pussy"
    • Contact with former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke
    • Writing political stuff on his Twitter account which causes a political stirr, for example worsening the North Korea situation
    • Called Mexicans for rapists
    • Wanting a travel ban on muslims - in a the United States of America where all people of all religion are supposed to be equal
    • Actually banned an Iranian doctor from entering USA with that ban
    • Fired a FBI(!) boss
    • And so much more

          4. He still plays golf, even though he should be helping the people of Puerto Rico. Not much of a life style change there for me to see.


    And I could go on, but it's past midnight and a new day to get up early to. Sorry for any mispellings.


    ok its confirmed the democrats were colluding with russia....... its even admitted on cnn now

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