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Everything posted by CocaColaCrystalMeth

  1. Whatever it sounds like my point isnt how ppl felt about how she choses to send out her music but mostly trying to understand main reason behind past and current consecutive failed music releases and hoping people reading this dont bitch about latefulness the next time a failed release happens in the future. And also to show that run-on sentences/paragraphs can actually make sense
  2. I meant trauma happened when she announced chemtrails release at first, wasn't the case, then a second date, wasn't the case and 6 months of hell till the actual release ended up happening. All that caused a traumatic experience for some ppl like myself
  3. K please it has nothing to do with entitlement... No wait I guess it could in one way... If you publicly state a fact (in this case a July 4th album release date) to all your fans of which only her fans know what the hell they just went thru with COTCC release trauma just prior to your new announcement of another album, and you state the fact that July 4th an album is coming then technically we all just became entitled to this album as it was recorded for no one else but us fans to listen to. (Unless she became famous just to play her own albums alone in her car all day) which I doubt is the case. Yes she could very well tell us all to go fk ourselves and never sing again but I just think that If u chose to make music for people who live and breathe for it and rely on it to cope with being alive (me in that case) taking music releases so lightly and nonchalantly to the point of repeatedly announcing dates and post dates not offering any comforting acknowledgements of the delay to the millions waiting on the edge of their seats for the album for me is not something I consider appropriate. but listen I'm grateful for every second of song she has made and hence I have yet to let her late releases affect me yet alone believe any upcoming anticipated releases she may give and no one else should from now on to avoid all this false hope getting crushed. There's my rant of the year. So yes we're entitled
  4. Still trying to wrap my mind around how someone can publicly announce a release date for an album whilst very well aware it wont be the case yet alone be taken seriously by anyone after the whole COTCC release date fiasco that had just happened the day before and still do so knowing all this
  5. Norman Fucking Rockwell: 12 Mariners Apartment Complex: 21 Venice Bitch: 27 Fuck it I love you: 12 Cinnamon Girl: 6 California: 21 The Greatest: 26 Bartender: 9 Happiness: 1 Hope: 10
  6. So I honestly think she has coronavirus and is keeping it on the down low,. Well no shit she can’t be like “aw ya I have corona guys sorry » won’t be good for her career. Idk I think she does cause corona starts off with pneumonia as main symptom so would make sense why she can’t sing
  7. Idk but her insta teases ( especially latest )aren't really helping any of us with impatiently waiting
  8. Your absolutely right about that.. coming from a gay hot mess of a Montrealer who was exposed to many hardcore churches as a kid that actually seemed more as a cult, people's interpretation of the bible and what god assumes is a sin or not is 95% of the time completely false and honestly I personally am sure god would condemn someone who is gay to hell and decided to get married and be faithful to their partner, but not condemn a straight guy sleeping with a different girl a night. A little off topic but I had to Just in case someone reading this might be someone who thinks them being gay isn't right and isn't accepting that part of themselves.. Just believe me when I say, in the end, it's your heart and intentions that are seen not who you sleep with and trust me the whole Catholic Church and community from way back in time to today are not truly following what god says to do in the bible. Except the complete opposite. Hopefully reading my rant got some of our minds off of NFR for a few seconds so at least there's that
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