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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. What...part of that seemed angry? I'm literally borderline catatonic and I've already taken a sleeping pill.
  2. Good for y'all, bad for me. I don't see what's complicated about this. I think you're delusional, you think I'm delusional...perfect balance, really.
  3. This is the last album I'm here for. I'm just...not a selfless person? I don't do things for free. When I support an artist, I expect a certain amount of consideration, and also effort on their part. It's nice that she cares enough about her fans to sign things and take pictures, but I personally don't appreciate being lied to and led on for months. I'm not going to scream her name until my voice goes out or harass her to sign my Ultraviolence vinyl, but I certainly would have benefited from a simple "sorry guys, focusing on other projects, album won't be out till fall" tweet back in January. The overall lack of effort has been more than pronounced, in every aspect of her art. This is shaping up to be the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.gif Jokes aside (no, I don't seriously believe they replaced her with a clone) it really feels like the Lana I knew & loved for 5 years is dead and gone. Being a fan of several artists who are actually dead, that's not a deal-breaker for me; these 5 years of A+ quality are not erased from my memory. The person & artist she used to be still is quite important to me. But the person she is now bores and disappoints me. Half the time she's 34 going on 13, and the rest she's 34 going on 50. The few glimpses of the "old Lana" we get every now and then are simply not enough. I'll hold onto the past, but I can't being myself to be half as invested in the present, or the future. She can go and become a mumble rapper for all I care. I have Born To Die, Paradise, UV, Honeymoon, AKA, even Lust For Life and Sirens, not to mention hundreds of unreleased songs to remember her by. I already like some songs from NFR, and chances are I'll like at least a couple more. But the rest just feels flat and generic.
  4. I didn't read the original so it's fine lol. Honestly I'm just sad. I know she "owes us nothing" but after what she put her fanbase through, yes, I did feel I deserved an album at least as good as Ultraviolence. From what I've heard, this is barely topping Sirens. All this trouble....for this??? I'm not even angry just genuinely sad. And deeply, deeply disappointed. I'm not being bitchy, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being honest here. I knew this was going to be goodbye, but I really thought she would at least go out with a bang....so yeah, sad and disappointed.
  5. Some of it definitely sounds like nonsense... And even if it tells a story, damn sis, not every story needs to be told! It just isn't that interesting lmao
  6. You and I both know that's not how she ruined NFR but okay sis
  7. I seem to be one of the few people who love Born To Die's production -for the most part- but at the same time I also love stripped back piano ballads and acoustic songs. I wouldn't mind an album or two full of them. Hope is just plain sloppy, unfortunately, but I still appreciate what they were going for. I'm not even going to comment on HTD, Jack deserves the death penalty for that alone... The Apple version of the song with just the piano is superior in every way. That aside, I don't think my biggest issue with this album is going to be the production. And I do like the cohesiveness it appears to have.
  8. "Its me ur lil venice bitch", "goddamn man-child", "culture's lit", "fuh ih ah luh yuh", "cinnamon in my teeth", that cringy ass line about all the pills, every single line we've heard from Bartender... But I think the 3245456677889th party dress might have done it for me
  9. All I do girl, all I do.... The clone they've replaced her with just not cutting it. Is this how Avril fans feel?
  10. I hate to say this but MAC, Hope and HTD seem to be the only lyrically strong NFR tracks. There's still a possibility the parts we haven't heard from the other songs will surprise us, but like... I'm sick of hoping. I'm tired of getting my hopes up just to be disappointed.
  11. It's...not all that. I've found my people. I've lost my people. In the end, you realize how fulfilling solitude can be. What you describe, what you want, it's fun at first but it just leaves you empty. It's overrated.
  12. Unfortunately I'm having doubts Will she ever stop disappointing me? Ugh
  13. Not that it will be able to compare, but I finally realized what the FIILY snippet reminded me of... the "take me home" part in Ariel. Or maybe I'm just imagining things lmao
  14. No one: Literally not a soul: too soon sis, too soon
  15. To be fair, I've only played them twice (with no intentions of playing them again) and this album still feels stale af 23 days to go sisters, let's get this over with
  16. LanaFlowers

    The Greatest

    she just had to go and fellow kids it didn't she? smh
  17. I know I've been dragging Lana for months, but one thing I never doubted was the music. I was sure NFR would blow my mind. But after hearing these snippets... I am so disappointed. And people are comparing it to Ultraviolence!! Jesus fucking Christ. This might be better than Sirens...but not much else. Not even Lust For Life. I feel like the tiny bit of excitement I had is gone.
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