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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. I'd say The Greatest was written sometime around Jan-March 2018
  2. I don't think DT counts since it's a cover, and I refuse to acknowledge the BAR situation... We'll see when it leaks comes out
  3. Anyway.... 1) The Greatest 2) How To Disappear (APPLE VERSION) 3) Fuck It I Love You 4) Hope 5) Mariners Apartment Complex 6) Venice Bitch [full tracks only]
  4. No they just coincide with having missed 2 years of people listing their reasons for disliking LFL and thus thinking it's because it wasn't depressing enough
  5. I hope the haircut/mustache thing s because she dumped him
  6. The fact that Venice Bitch's busted ass was somehow deemed deserving of 9+ minutes when FIILY & The Greatest exist...
  7. At first I was like wtf but "7 posts - Time Online: 7h" says it all
  8. My thoughts too... I hope it isn't yet another video she shot for a different song because those cute, fun, lighthearted visuals don't seem to match TG & FIILY's vibes at all
  9. should've featured a neon sign then instead of those neon atrocities
  10. Have we not established that she hates fame? So it would make sense for her to want to lose fans which would explain a lot
  11. Blue is the color of our balls But we're hanging on And we all got Our clown gear on
  12. What I love the most about this era is how fiercely devoted Lana & her team are to ruining it
  13. LanaFlowers

    The Greatest

    TFW Lana agrees with the things I've said about her
  14. Clowniness Is A Butterfly (Happiness Is A Clownerfly?)
  15. I really like this, shame the chorus is so awful. Her dumbed down Ariana Grande enunciation ruins it completely...
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