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Posts posted by mirihaii

  1. I g


    I bought the vinyl, i got an email from JPC that it was shipped today, so once it arrive i will snap some pics and share hem in here.



    Here it is guys, as promised. It was pretty hard to take a pics to be hones. It say: 

    Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine. 


     Is there anything you don't know?


    This is for you


    And few more







  2. I g



    According to one of ATRL's obsessed twinks:


    vinyl has little secret quotes engraved on them:

    • Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spots
    • Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine
    • This is for you
    • Is there anything you don't know

    I bought the vinyl, i got an email from JPC that it was shipped today, so once it arrive i will snap some pics and share hem in here.

  3. I just watched this movie, and i have to say i had similar situation going on. I am officially from Serbia, and my (then) best friend was also but he was living in Austria. The summer we meet we were like 15,16, we hated each other but summer after summer we become best friends, he was a first guy i kissed, and then each summer he came he stayed 3,4 months, we had this "summer love" until we were like 22 i think? And then all of the sudden he told me he has a girlfriend and that she is pregnant. One day i remember he came to visit me with her ( i didnt know he is in town btw) i was sooo confused, but then "our love" disappeared. I am 28 and i think that 4 months ago we talked and i got butterflies in my stomach, he is divorced now but i dont know much about him, we made a deal that we gonna met someday but probably that day will never come.  

  4. Overproduced MESS of a chorus, lukewarm lyrics and an untrained although decent mid-pubescent voice


    Tired of these YouTuber's that got famous for absolutely nothing trying to have music careers and shit

    You obviously dont know who Troye is...

  5. Well, i had two order, one vinyl and cassette and the other was boxset, They did ship to everyone but me, when i got in touch with them, they send me next day, (first order) boxset was shipped on 22nd to everyone but me ofc, so i contacted them again on 28th (i think) and they ship it after two days, what a MESS i am not ordering of the page anymore!It was also fail that "signed" stuff wasnt available WW,  i was SO looking forward to have something signed to frame.

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