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Everything posted by hornymoon

  1. BITCH she better be serving me this I'll scream in gay
  2. hornymoon

    Nicki Minaj

    she shouldn't have even bothered with that Barbie Tingz video, it looked so low budget and lame but that Chun Li video was hot, those were LOOKS
  3. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    ew I'm not listening to that shit if Ratti B is on it, her voice is so ugly and she has no bars it's laughable. They should have put Cupcakke on it instead atleast
  4. honestly these days I'm alil worried about how new lana music will sound, I don't wanna doubt her artistry too much and I know I shouldn't make too many assumptions but everything so far is making me think she's gonna regress even more and make cringey tourlyfe woke pop with jack antonoff and ricks janky ass trap beats, what if LDR6 is full of woke pop and oaky dokey folk ballads? I- I hope her gemini self scraps it and goes in a complete 180 with the record if that's the case.
  5. Wig! truer words have never been spoken!
  6. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I want a full song where charli just sings "it's charli... it's charli babeyyy eh-eh-eh-XCX" with a heavy autotune , a gay anthem like the outro of lipgloss
  7. I want the glamour and mystery to return for the new era and those low brooding lush vocals that I miss so much I'm tired of that airy tone she keeps using
  8. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    here u go I think it's def worth it's price imo
  9. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    It doesn't feel too flimsy or cheap irl maybe its just my pic lol, the cover feels alil thin tho and there's no lyrics or additional artwork which sucks only track listing
  10. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    WIG I just picked up my vinyl today it's sooo pretty the N1A vinyl rlly slays me srry for my shitty camera lol
  11. hornymoon

    Azealia Banks

    oh no my heart is aching for her I can feel the pain in her voice, say what you want about her as a person but NO ONE deserves this AB is a strong woman but send her lots of love guys
  12. I just want her to stop getting her cheeks pumped up, having a skinny face with big lips is a LOOK If she going to get fillers at least get them done right bc whoever is doing her stuff now needs to get their licence removed
  13. hornymoon

    Nicki Minaj

    Barbie Tingz is so good idk why y'all so negative the amount of disrespect far too damn much idk what crack y'all on to think Ratti B has bars, stop comparing Nicki to some reality tv girl that can't rap
  14. when someone says they don't like this album people always say that "oh everyone says that every era about not liking the album u guyz are just sheep!" but with this particular album I just did not click with it, lana's albums are kinda known to have cohesion and have almost flawless (or interesting) production and instrumentals but this album shattered that for me, it's a mixed bag with a few standout songs but as a whole project it just doesn't compare to her other albums and doesn't feel fully fleshed out to me I've gone into every era with neutral expectations and I do agree it's really unfair to have such a high personal expectations that obviously lana will never be able to capture but I remember on the first listen with LFL I was so underwhelmed I've tried to give this album so many tries but it's just not the t for me. I hope with the next project it will atleast not repeat the same falters LFL had and be more fleshed out so I can be on the same wavelength with you guys
  15. hornymoon

    Azealia Banks

    I didn't ask to be scalped back roots but wow she really did that, I love when she makes gay as fuck music give me them Fierce/Bambi teas
  16. idk if I can live peacefully on this earth if lana will never be able to top UV and go back to the hazy cali stoner psychedelic sound at least one more time a grunge album with tropico level visuals so I can completely forget about the disappointment that was LFL please. I really hope she doesn't go more pop even if it's radio friendly
  17. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    omg what's this? I never heard this remix before is it fanmade? I saw it on r/xtrill it kinda bops https://dbr.ee/jp3Q
  18. I'm messy but I miss when lana had that gangster nancy sinatra lost lolita in the hood phase
  19. Now I don't wanna enter this new era with negativity but that song snippet..she seems bland like she needs some seasoning, I hope the final version will have more powerful vocals to spice her up abit if she's going to be going for a more stripped down sound this new era atleast have the vocals to back it up mama give me Old Money teas. also Happiness is a Butterfly? Mariah Carey has been found scalped bald back roots and unconscious in her home
  20. It has elements of psychedelic desert rock mixed with soft rock and alil dream pop maybe? idk I'm bad at naming genres, I just put UV in the skinny mangum opus masterpiece flaw free genre
  21. the folk can stay in the trash lets sacrifice fugly folk so lana can finally become the grunge rock queen we (gays with taste) all want her to be for LDR6
  22. wow she looks SO good lately, finally entering a new visual peak and giving us Ride era hooker teas I've always loved huge curly dark hair on her it makes her look so gorgeous and powerful it rlly suits her and I'm glad to see that she's experimenting with her vocal delivery again from the sound of it in that yayo clip
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