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Everything posted by hornymoon

  1. Aja deserved to go all the way top 3 finals straight cut and dry, girl was type casted to be filler but she shook the producers abit by coming with her A game, Trixie is just so damn mediocre she really only works best when she has katya by her side laughing at anything she does and I think Kennedy is funny as fuck I love her accent but girl should not be there if trixie wins i call rigga morris
  2. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I can't wait for march to come so that rat can go back to where it came from it's been plaguing this thread for too long
  3. the only stems I want to leak are Teen Idle stems the rest are boring and fat, leak EH outtakes and demos x
  4. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    hi ur on the charli thread mama.. the maroona and the swarovski crystals thread is that way understandable to get them mixed up tho both have big titties
  5. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    charli really needs to do a proper world tour for xcx3 or at least Europe where her roots are..like girl the demand is SO high I remember she had a gig in the uk for N1A tour and it sold out before u could say its choli bby she really loves america too much smh she's worse than lana
  6. I won't take you too seriously since I'm sure listening to Elder Smurf/Sponge Bob on BPBP regularly can do serious damage to your ears to the point where you might actually like those songs
  7. AKA?? wasn't that by some flop girl called Lizzy Grant? jk kill kill is amazing BPBP and TNC are more than enough of a reason to never let lana touch folk again I'll just leave it at that
  8. Folk is ugly and fat not even LANA could make folk skinny... give it up sis
  9. not y'all trying to brainwash people to have bad taste stop forcing folk down my throat.. I'm not folkaphobic but pls keep it to yourselves x
  10. oh wow.. I've wanted to see EH picture outtakes SO baddd and that Starring Role accapella
  11. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    not to sound like a bitch but that site looks like it was made in the 90's I'm good with staying here
  12. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    not really she just usually has the backing track so loud sometimes she might as well be especially with how fucked up her voice has gotten
  13. ew y'all so ugly for wanting a full folk album that sounds like TNC...like that shouldn't be the general consensus that's mass homophobia and I will not condone it, y'all want our girl to release a bum ass buckwheat trailmix oatmeal bar of an album keep lana away from folk 2k18 challenge
  14. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    can't wait for charli to lipsync to boys, ATAP, outta my head, break the rules and boom clap at the LA & NY gigs, it's gonna be epic angelz!
  15. it's a power, It's a power, it's a power move and while I'm not quite sure whats she's trying to prove absjded wfkdk srry I had to
  16. nobody wants her to make EH 2.0??? BITCH I still do.. and I agree Froot is a cute album but came off as pretentious and forgettable
  17. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    honestly if she'd go Amsterdam or something I'd fly there and get high as fuck while she performs Boom Clap for the 100th time
  18. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I hate that charli is always performing in america and like hardly comes here to the uk.. bitch ran away to america and never looked back know ur roots bitch!
  19. hornymoon


    I just saw her last night, she was amazing vocally entered the stage in a bright blast of white light it was very ethereal. Her backup singers were beautiful and they did alil voguing during LMK I was alil gaggedt.. my favourite part of the set was when she literally stood in darkness holding the mic up to her hair beads and running her fingers thru them to create some ASMR I SCREAMED a bit ahdbdnisakld she was giving me pickle lady asmr realness. However I will say that I did not like the remixes they did for Rewind, LMK etc it took away from the songs and made them less impactful.. the setlist she performed was kinda different from the others she did. Alot of ppl (including me) were disappointing she didn't perform The High and the crowd was alittle dead and talking amongst themselves when she was doing slower songs like Altadena
  20. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

  21. hornymoon

    Azealia Banks

    welp I'm so disappointed in her that she's going to perform in tel aviv but at the same time not surprised
  22. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    wow xcxboards is already down...a fad. Charliboards will always remain, skinny is forever
  23. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    omg wig, the instrumental sounds like it wouldn't be out of place on True Godmance
  24. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    does this mean this thread is gonna die? I have too much of an attachment to this place but the site looks really nice, when the fuck was this made?
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