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Posts posted by diegomaukm123

  1. I just saw It...


    It's a very differnt video (or film) obviously the plot or the history it's based in Lana's life, and if we want to analyze her private life we would never end... Visually Body Electric was the best, Gods and Monsters and the whole latino/chicano theme it's wonderful, I really believe that she is a Chola Girl, Bel Air It's a good end.


    The important issue it's to focus in the main theme, every life has 3 stages: Every beggining could be beautifil or ended up in tragic. Second Stage: The doom and crazines lead us to drak places (both real and mental) and Third State: Every life ends pacefully and te transition to a better place...

  2. daddy paid for everything!!11 


    But actually songs like Paris, Hit and Run and many others were recorded after AKA and when she was already in works with Interscope. Her manger was able to get production companies to work with her... etc. I'm sure her wealthy background helped with some of this. 

    Not very happy to heard that!


    She's so talented, beauty, humble, but with "daddy money" everything is possible. There are other unknow singers with no money equal or more talented than many others rich kids in the media.

  3. How can Lana afford or who help her to record her songs? (From Sirens and before AKA))


    is she rich or what?


    An undergorund/indie artist like her when she was Lizzy how she can afford or who helped her to make her demos?


    Paris, Hit and Run has a lot of production and alomost sound like professionaly recorded songs...


    I read somhere about her father is a rich internet bussines man... I don't know it that's true, or she with her own money paid for a recording studios, backup singers, musicians...


    I love her but i can't undertand...

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