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Posts posted by 13bitches

  1. It's so amusing to me that when she tries to write normal stuff as opposed to music, it's always so crackheaded.


    It's as if music is her default method of communication and writing anything else is difficult to her. I'm not insulting her, i just find it interesting.

    Sis doesn’t write her music confirmed :creep:

  2. Can she just let it go... for heaven’s sakes we get it lana you’re not backing down from your stance. You’ve even given everyone more fuel by saying you “didn’t come from money” LOL okay Lana, twitter’s about to have another field day... just proceed to talk about the poetry book or don’t mention it at all

    BTD era 2.0 starting in 3, 2...

  3. i have a feeling jack will be the only producer, all the rick songs on nfr were made right after lfl i think before she started working with jack and she just threw them on there because she had them, we know originally nfr was gonna be 11 tracks so she probably added doin time, tnbar and california (song she made with her band) last minute

    She said FIILY was the last song recorded for the album though; I'd say Doin' Time, FIILY, and I'm not sure what the other one would be

    Didn't she say she already had 3 songs done before she met Jack? (Bartender, California, TNBAR?)

  4. She said what she said who cares if people go off we stan an opulent queen that’s the tea, amen, new album sept 5 Lana stays winning we stay winning the gays won etc etc A M E N

    opulence is the end  :creep: 

  5. Oh yeah, she's definitely going to take issue with Lanz name dropping Black women.


    Just add in some comments about Lana's appearance and Harvey Weinstein, and we might get Pull Up Anytime 2.0

    Don't forget the grossly-detailed descriptions of sexual acts that take up multiple full tweets.

  6. Okay but she will delay this on like September 2nd due to COVID, which is funny because she announced it during COVID, which is why she'll delay it, because everything she does is confusing and nothing makes sense.


    I hope we get the lead single before she decides to delay it for 7 months, though.


    Some of us are still very trumatised by the NFR pre-release fuckery.

    That European tour she postponed isn't coming wbk  :creep:

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