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Kara Del Reyღ

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Posts posted by Kara Del Reyღ

  1. I'm really liking the simplicity of these! For improvement, I think it'd be better if you made the text bigger, so it stands out more :)

    I see what you mean about the text. I'll be making some more edits tomorrow so hopefully those will be better. Thank you for advice!

  2. I love these, they're simple and I love simplicity


    Any picture with Lana in it is good ;)


    I love the 'Crazy' font, it really makes it stand out, i like it

    Thank you! I guess my style is simple, I don't like my edits to be too crazy!

  3. Hey Everyone!

    Here is the thread for all of my photo edits, I will be posting edits every few days, so make sure you come back and see if I've uploaded any more edits, if you would like to be notified when I upload a new edit just say and I will message you as soon as I upload one. Just letting you know I do simple edits, I don't over-do them as I don't like that style. Also if you would like to send me a photo to edit along with lyrics (optional) I would definitely love to edit it. I'm still learning, but if you ever want to tell me what I could change in my edits feel free! Anyway I hope you enjoy my edits.


    NOTE: If you want to save any of the edits, please PM Me and I will send the original edit to you.











  4. Hey Beemo, could you possibly make this for me please? I've tried making my own signature but I'm not that good  :facepalm:


    1. Type of Graphic: Signature.

    2. Image(s) to be used: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2hp5dvt.jpghttp://oi49.tinypic.com/35klbg8.jpghttp://oi45.tinypic.com/161m5x5.jpg.

    3. Text: I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy.

    4. Mood: Vintage, Floral.

    5. Border: Rounded Border.

    6. Other Details: Nothing else, just have fun with it I guess. :kiss:

  5. I love Kassidy, I wasn't sure if I was going to like them at first but I listened to 'Waking Up Sideways' by them and that got me hooked!

    'I Don't Know' and 'Stray Cat' are amazing too, Hope St. has too be my favourite album by them. I actually really like Kassidy now, and I need to watch their SXSW blogs. 

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