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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. Me and Lana joined the hearts challenger army today omg http://www.heartschallengerarmy.com/
  2. Hello Heaven

    White Ring

    I decided to order my favourite - least fave songs on betmm and it ended up like this: 1. IxC999 2. We Rot 3. Hands 2 Hold U Down 4. Roses 5. Faded 6.Suffocation 7. King Roses and Faded keep swapping though because Roses is a better song but i enjoy listening to faded more usually.
  3. Aw, that usually happens to me eventually on websites. Luckily not with LB's because I joined the first day and I've been super active all the way through so I really hope I don't feel like this too some day. We all love Lana though so don't give up on us
  4. I just really can't see her being called Elizabeth, that's so cute
  5. Wow I didn't even know you could get the deluxe BTD in a jewel case. I cba with all these promo/single/variations of cds, only vinyls or it'll just be too expensive and i'm such a completist that I have to have everything.
  6. Woah this shit is amazing
  7. Too bad she's evil because Moi Je Joue still slays me everytime.
  8. NoWayBack - oOoOO (feat. Butterclock)
  9. Although shows like Toddlers & Tiaras mostly or only show the bad side of kiddy pageants, I do think it's mostly wrong. I don't like how some mothers bring up their children to think that you have to be beautiful and have a spray tan to get far in life. I mean, the best years of my life were when I was a toddler and yes I understand that the kids probably usually enjoy the fun of dressing up because I loved wearing a little bit of makeup and my mum's jewellry at home and dressing up as a princess or a fairy or whatever was awesome so I guess pageants are like an extreme version of that. Still, you can just tell these kids are probably going to grow up to be stuck up little brats unless they realise how ridiculous they look when they mature a bit. Because seriously, these kids are not cute like their mummies might think
  10. Ballet pumps and three pairs of shorts (I get through a lot of shorts). edit; actually, I think the very last thing I bought was butter! Idk.
  11. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    I love UATW but TM is my favourite Lana song. Trash Magic vs. Come When You Call Me America (v2)
  12. Hello Heaven


    I'm not a fan but 'Believe' was no. 1 in the charts when I was born and that's an awesome song in a crap kind of way. The crap part being that it was the first song to use autotune so basically I was born the same time as the birth of bad music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbXiECmCZ94 Haha, I don't mean the shade, I like her. She's a good actress too.
  13. I actually really, really, really want Maha and the other songs they did together to leak Moije Joue is one of my favourite Lana songs and the fact that's according to PS by far the worse then I really want to hear more! #LeakMaha
  14. He definatly deserves more fame. I could've tried getting tickets to see him live nearby but I'm away when he's coming which is a shame because I bet he'd be amazing live. Polar Bear is so good, it gets me every time.
  15. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Off to the races vs. Us Against the World
  16. How cool? Seriously even more excited now. Don't know about the barrie haters-for-no-reason people though.
  17. Vanessa will hopefully have a new album out some time soon. I don't know when but she's released a single so it can't be long. I'm so pleased she's still making music
  18. emilie autumn - hollow like my soul
  19. I'm really bad with mine, I have them on a shelf where I display my collections but they alway fall down the back an drop behind my dolls house (yes I have a dolls house) which is really difficult to move. It seems like a good idea at the time and then when you start, you can't stop until you finish but in the end, it's amazing to look at it and play it. Wow. Now I realize that that literally is all you can do with them. You can show off too, I guess! But nobody I know in real life would care or think that's cool.
  20. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    You & Me vs. Trash Magic
  21. I wish, but the mp3 download doesn't even have a picture as cover art so I'm not going to get my hopes up. You never know though.
  22. Cool! This is going to slay me every time I login
  23. Thank God I joined the first day this was open or I'd be terrified of everyone
  24. How could I forget Professor Layton? I get addited to them and then just give up when I get stuck. Or ask my mum to help me
  25. I almost started collecting Mario games but then I felt too sick that I'd sold my Gameboy Advance so I didn't. I still regret it now. But the Super Mario Bros. really do slay. And Nintendo in geneal Did anyone else have Style Boutique? that was my life when I was 11. Oh and of course the Sims are amazing, I don't know how anyone can dislike it.
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