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Candy Galore

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Posts posted by Candy Galore

  1. Three people died and nine people are wounded. I live around 150 kilometers from Utrecht. A couple of days ago I was even thinking about going to Utrecht. I can't believe this happened. I am regularly traveling through the Netherlands and I regularly travel in large cities with public transport. It scares me a little to realize that I could also sit in a tram and that this could’ve happened.

  2. A manhunt is underway after a gunman opened fire inside a tram in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Police have named a suspect in the case, and released a picture of him. One person is feared dead and several were wounded in the shooting incident, according to police spokesman Joost Lanshage. Dutch authorities are considering "a possible terrorist motive" for the shooting, which happened in 24 October Square at 10:45 a.m. (5:45 a.m ET) on Monday, Utrecht police said on Twitter. Police say Gökmen Tanis, 37, who was born in Turkey, is wanted following the incident; they have asked locals to contact authorities immediately if they see him. “Do not approach him," Utrecht police warned on Twitter. The image, which appears to have been taken from CCTV footage on board the tram, is time stamped at 10:41, roughly four minutes before the incident took place. Earlier the Netherlands' National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, J Aalbersberg, tweeted "Crisis team is activated." Aalbersberg added in a follow-up post that the threat level in Utrecht Province has been raised to 5 -- the highest in the country -- meaning critical. It will remain in place until 6 p.m. local time (1 p.m. ET), he said. The shooting is now over but three rescue helicopters have been sent to the scene -- which has since been cordoned off -- to "monitor" the situation, Lanshage added. Photos from the vicinity posted on social media show the tram stopped in its tracks with police tape locking down the area and multiple emergency vehicles nearby. A CNN crew observed a tarpaulin in front of one section of the tram, which is believed to be shielding a body. Vincent van Roon witnessed the shooting from his office. He told CNN: "I was there at the moment of the shooting. I'm in a building next to the tram. I heard the shooting and people came into the building, hiding. Van Roon recalled seeing a heavy police response and medical personnel working on one of the wounded in the street "for a long time." Prime Minister Mark Rutte told CNN's affiliate RTL that he was "very concerned" about the incident. In response to the shooting, police in Rotterdam -- a city around 60 kilometers (37 miles) away from Utrecht -- have increased security around mosques and stations in the city, according to a post on their official Twitter account. The Netherlands have largely escaped terror incidents in recent years. But Dutch police previously foiled what they described as a major terrorist attack last September when they arrested seven individuals in Rotterdam. Earlier that month, a man was shot by police at Amsterdam's central railway station after stabbing two American tourists. Authorities said the suspect had a "terrorist motive" but was believed to have acted alone.


    Source: CNN

  3. I was at the town center and I walked past the theater and I saw on a huge billboard the poster of ASIB and they’re going to play it in the evening. Guess who’s going to watch ASIB for the third time? The ticket is only nine euro for adults and eight euro for teenagers. I was shocked because I thought ASIB or Lady Gaga aren’t popular here.

  4. A few days ago I was at the cinema and I watched ASIB for the second time. I got free tickets from my mother so I could watch any movie at the cinema. The movie has been out for one month and the cinema was filled with people to watch ASIB. I think there was only a couple of seats available when everyone got inside. During INLA a girl started crying loud as fuck, she literally broke down and cried the whole time. I already watched the movie once so the emotions weren’t as strong as before but I still loved watching it. I think it was a good decision to watch it twice.

  5. I am currently watching the Dutch remake and it’s nice! It’s pretty addictive and I can watch it easily for free on my mobile. They even played a song by Princess Nokia in one of the first episodes and I was shook! Maybe I will watch the other versions later. I did watch a few episodes from “Druck”

  6. Also the fact that this is in World News... Candy Galore consistently starting the right conversations

    The queen of pop music, jazz music, country music and cinema deserves a topic in World News when she’s getting engaged! No... but if I should be honest I feel uncomfortable starting topics in this forum sometimes because I am afraid people will drag me because they think it’s irrelevant :eek:

  7. ...wut? some fans have no taste in men

    I don’t think that he’s ugly but I also think it’s none of our business to judge about the people in her personal life as fans... If she’s happy with him, and he doesn’t harm her physically or mentally, then I think we as fans we should be happy for her. But overall I think it’s nice for Gaga to have someone who supports her, in her documentary she talked about the men she lost because of her fame. And since she talked about wanting to be a mother, I don’t think it’s weird to think she will become a mother in a couple of years. I am excited to see pictures or videos from the wedding, I will probably cry my eyes out when I see Gaga in a wedding dress.

  8. During her speech at an event, Lady Gaga thanks her ''fiancé'' Christian Carino. The two have been together since 2017 and is her first boyfriend after she broke up with her then fiancé Taylor Kinney. She got engaged with Taylor Kinney on Valentine's Day 2015 who gave her a diamond heart shaped engagement ring.


    Some fans have been skeptical about her relationship with Christian because he's older than her (she's thirty two, he's forty nine years old) and not good looking according to them, but I am happy for Gaga!

  9. I want to stan her, from what I heard her music is catchy but the fact that Dr. Luke is producing her music makes me feel uncomfortable if I should be honest...

  10. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have announced they are expecting a baby next spring. A statement from Kensington Palace said: “Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.” The couple are on tour in Australia. The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were said to be “delighted” for the couple. Doria Ragland, the duchess’s mother, said she was “very happy about this lovely news” and “looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild”. The duchess once described motherhood as being on her “bucket list”, while her husband has often spoken of his desire to have children. On a trip to Belfast less than two months before she got married, the duchess – then Meghan Markle – joked when she was shown an innovative range of baby products: “I’m sure at some point we’ll need the whole (lot).” And in an interview in 2016, she said: “I can’t wait to start a family, but in due time.” The topic of children also cropped up in the couple’s engagement interview. Prince Harry said: “You know, I think one step at a time, and hopefully we’ll start a family in the near future.” In 2015, he had said: “Of course I would love to have kids right now but there’s a process that one has to go through. “Hopefully I’m doing all right by myself. It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure, but you know, time will come and whatever happens, happens.” The duchess’s father, Thomas Markle, had said he expected the royal couple would want to try for children soon. He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain in an interview a month after the wedding: “She’s wanted children for a long time and when she met Harry and she spoke about how much she loves him, there’s got to be a child in the making, somewhere soon.” Google said searches for “when is spring?” had spiked suddenly following the announcement that Harry and Meghan were expecting a child during the season. The news was welcomed by the Australian premier, Scott Morrison who tweeted: What fantastic news! Australia is thrilled for you both. Looking forward to sharing in the joy during your stay down under.

    Source: The Guardian


    This was way faster than I expected, they’re both very good looking people and even though I am usually not interested in the monarchy / royal family, their wedding was beautiful to watch and I even shed a tear seeing Meghan be so happy!

  11. Being BPD af I fckn confirm, that's v correct. I feel bad for both. I don't know him personally but I think he's cute and he acted well on the skits I've watched so

    I don’t know much about him so I don’t have the right to judge him. And I am not a superficial person so I won’t make comments like “wow, he looks so ugly, she can get someone who looks better, good for her!” because I think when you love someone, you look at someone from the inside. And when you are longer and longer with someone in a relationship... eventually you don’t even look at certain things of someone’s body in a negative way because you love them so much. At least, that’s how I think of how I love someone. And the only time where I thought negatively about Pete is when he joked on SNL about throwing Ariana’s birth control pills away and replacing them with tic tacs. I know that he meant it as a joke and that he didn’t mean it serious or negative but when I heard about it, I thought it was definitely a little too much.

  12. I wonder what’s the reason behind their breakup because it seemed like they really liked each other. While some people would automatically think it’s because of the short time they’re together, I personally think it might be because of his borderline personality disorder. Apparently people with borderline personality disorder have abnormal behaviour and can have unstable relationships and they can be very impulsive. When I read more and more about his disorder, it kinda makes more sense..

  13. Ariana and Pete announced their surprise engagement earlier this year in May -- just a few weeks after they were reported to be just casually dating. TMZ broke the story ... Grande's engagement ring cost right around $100k. Grande's recently expressed she was going through a rough patch, tweeting a lot of personal messages and saying she needs a break from the public spotlight and asking "can i pls have one okay day. just one. pls." As for Davidson, he's continued to appear on SNL, even mentioning his former fiancee in a couple sketches. The last time we saw them together was just last week. Our source says while things may be done for the couple for now, the two aren't ruling out the possibility of anything in the future.

    Apparently, she also cancelled a performance at a cancer benefit. If it’s true.. it would be pretty sad. But of course this is something people expected to come. I hope she’s doing okay, since some people have been saying for a while that they’re concerned about Ariana’s mental health and that she’s supposedly on the brink of having a mental breakdown..

  14. She released a new remix of her song “Cherry” and it’s made by Ryan Hemsworth. I usually don’t like remixes but I like this remix a lot and I think that the single cover for the remix looks nicer than the normal single cover. I am also excited for the collaboration with Bloodpop!

  15. I know a couple of songs by Charli and I think I want to get into her music more because I think she's an interesting artist and I need to listen to ''new'' music. I see people talking a lot about leaked stuff.. should I listen to it? which songs? does anyone has an idea where to really start? At this point I listened to Pop 2, Vroom Vroom EP. I listened to all her recent singles (5 In The Morning, Focus, No Angel, Girls Night Out and 1991) but I guess that's it.

  16. um can they actually make an Ally album tho

    I was actually thinking about this a few days ago, they could've credited Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper as artists but I think it would've been nice if they made special Spotify / Apple Music artist profiles for Ally and Jackson, with the pop songs by Ally having a special ''album'' on Spotify and Apple Music.

  17. billie eilish. i liked 1/2 of don't smile at me but her image is just beyond cringeworthy imo. she's beautiful and has a great voice but her schtick got sour really quick for me. plus her new song is not it and her stanbase is full of rabid teenagers

    When I listened to the EP for the first time I thought that it was okay but if I listen to it now I think it’s pretty boring and I can’t listen to one song anymore from the whole EP. And the music she released afterwards, it feels like all of the music she’s releasing is the same. It’s boring. Maybe it’s because I am used from my favourite artists to reinvent their music so often. But like you I got tired of her image and schtick very quickly.

  18. Are there any artists or bands that you used to like before, but now not anymore? And what are the reasons why you don't like them anymore?


    For me to like an artist, and then don't like them anymore is rare but I was watching a video tonight about a MUA being hired by Cardi B's team twice (and in the video, the MUA said Cardi B specifically said she wanted her to do her makeup after the first time she worked for Cardi B). Before this video, I listened to Cardi B's music with pleasure (Invasion Of Privacy is one of my favourite albums from 2018) and after watching this video, I don't like her that much anymore. In the video, which got more than one million views on YouTube, a YouTuber called ''Mua Blacswan'' describes working with Cardi B. The first time she met her, she barely acknowledged the MUA and the second time she met her, she treated her very badly. The make up artist had to cry multiple times in the video, when she had to describe how Cardi B treated her because she looked up to Cardi B. She also put a lot of effort in to get a babysitter for her children and cancel multiple appointments with other clients to do her makeup. To make a long story short - Cardi had a very bad mood, made her wait for almost more than one hour before she let her do the makeup and she wouldn't let her do a good job, called her a bitch and then later said ''get the fuck out'' to her multiple times. Other than that, I feel conflicted about Cardi because she put out a great album with great songs but it does feels like while she's getting more famous, she's turning into a more violent person. You don't have to like Nicki Minaj and to be honest, it isn't like I am a fan of Nicki Minaj, because she's trying to mimick Azealia Bank's problematic attitude a little too much but trying to attack her during New York Fashion Week... ordering people to attack others... I think it's something which is definitely concerning for an artist who has so many (young) fans.

  19. feud aside it's not convenient to lock this thread. the fans won't have where to post abt her. if we had to lock threads bc of celebrities feuds there would be no threads left

    Is it necessary to close every topic when a celebrity has a feud against each other? No, I don’t think so. I mean, otherwise any topic about Lady Gaga should’ve been closed as well since Lana didn’t like her, she wrote a diss track about her (even though they take pictures with each other, post it on Instagram, so I think nothing is wrong now). But I don’t think this is a ’normal’ celebrity feud anymore between Lana and Azealia. At this point Azealia even wrote about Lana dying in a ‘mysterious house fire’, body shamed her, et cetera, and at the end of the day, this community is dedicated to Lana... If someone says such vile things about Lana, I don’t believe someone is even worth it to have a topic dedicated to them on this forum. If her fans have such a big issue that they aren’t capable of talking about Azealia here then why won’t they search for a new place to talk about her?

  20. this doesn't even come close to some of the worst tweets she's posted too...

    It’s really shocking that a tweet like this, which is already so vile in my opinion, doesn’t even come close to her worst tweets. I feel ashamed that I even listened to her music and followed her on Instagram...

  21. I think this beef came to a point that this topic should definitely be locked. She tweeted (and later deleted the tweet) “Honestly, you know The Big Bad Witch is smarter than that. When her house mysteriously goes up in flames while she is asleep inside… I want to see as many #Azealiavoodoo hashtags as possible.” I think she should really get help because you’re obviously mentally ill if you think it’s okay to write these kind of tweets. The fact that you would even write about this about a living human being and post it... wow. At this point I don’t even consider Azealia Banks human anymore.

  22. Madonna is featured with Cardi B on Quavo’s new song “champagne rosé” and honestly this song is so bad that I am about to unstan her. It’s not even Quavo or Cardi B who fucked up the song, it’s Madonna, and her stupid robotic boring monotone voice. I have a lot of her albums at home. I consider myself a fan and I watched so many performances and tours and she used to be such a talented woman but since Hard Candy I seriously believe that the quality of her music has gone down hill. I really hope she’s coming with something else for her new album. If it’s like this, it might be the good time for me to unstan her. I stan her because of her good music and good performances, not because she’s such a friendly woman or because her fans are so nice because they aren’t.

  23. She released Masseduction last year and it was one of my favourite albums of 2017 and today she released ‘MassEducation’ featuring piano versions of songs from Masseduction! But the cover of the album isn’t really it when I compare it to Masseduction‘s album cover...

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