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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. Gone user


    I'm so excited for the album
  2. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    this video is too confusing and doesn't really prove a point
  3. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    Her team must be so scared to release her new album. I don't have my hopes up and, sincerely, I don't care about it
  4. LMAO I FORGOT TO SAY IT WAS POSTED BY AZEALIA BANKS SORRYYYYY Also didn't she talk about Art Deco being about her?
  5. Black Beauty has similar chords to BPBP, maybe she could add a bit of it to the medley
  6. Everyone hating Lana in the comments, I'm about to cry
  7. This look has me shaking. THE DOC MARTENS BOOTS SHE LOOKS SO GOOD Edit: they aren't even doc Martens boots now that I see them, but they look amazing anyway
  8. Honestly that's REALLY sad. Imagine working on the perfect closer track for your album and have it ruined by a band formed by bitter old men
  9. I'm in love with the backdrop video for Black Beauty. LEAK IT GAYS
  10. She seems so emotional talking about Get Free ugh im gonna cry
  11. https://twitter.com/entirelyeric/status/950231043117895680 is this the right livestream? lmao I'm so lost at this point, I'm sleepy
  12. It's so disappointing that nobody screams "YES. OF COURSE I WILL, MY DARLING" during National Anthem
  13. something worse than making a joke about bombing a concert? laughing about it and continuing with the joke
  14. Come on, even when Get Free is among the ultimate best songs on LFL, you can't deny it sounds just like Creep during the pre-chorus
  15. I wasn't thinking about you! I just addressed something that seems to be frequent around here, specially when there is a whole thread discussing that specific song. Sorry if it sounded like shade tho
  16. I think some of you are overly excited for Yosemite, even when it may be just a normal Lana song. If GBA or BPBP had remained unreleased and Lana teased them everywhere like she does with Yosemite and RBFY, you all would have lost your mind waiting for them to leak, when in real life they both are the most underrated songs from LFL
  17. not when Roanoke is the best season
  18. she would've picked Body Electric, Cruel World and and Carmen, we know this bish
  19. I came here when everyone was talking about PWYC and Black Beauty and I was BLOWN AWAY, but then I encountered some ugly fats called Summertime Sadness and Cereal Killer.
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