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Posts posted by SugarVenom

  1. I'm really not seeing use of Botox here.. it just looks like she is wearing too much makeup. Also, the style/way she applies her eye makeup can really affect that too.


    Anyway, I really love Fake Diamond. I don't think a lot of other fans do. Why not? It's really cute, and the lyrics are great.


    "I'm like a child who belongs to nobody,

    So I wear you like my clothes, hold you close to my body

    Because you hurt so good but you feel so bad, honey.

    I just want you to want me, want you to want me."


    How can you not love that? Idk, it just hits home for me. 



    f a k e d i a m o n d 


    why do people hate it! it's one of her best!

  2. My most played song off the album is "Die Young" with 185 plays followed by "Supernatural" with 120.  :hooker:



    I think she looks weird in "We R Who We R," exactly because of the makeup and it's way too glittery. She looks so sexy in "Take It Off," "Die Young" and "C'mon" though.  :deadbanana:


    She looks great in the B&W bit in Die Young. I get that it's her image and branding, but she looks so much better without all the crap on her face! I have no problem with make up, but sometimes hers looks like a joke or something...


    She looks so beautiful in the first picture with it toned down compared to her normal look





    What's the video you think she looks most beautiful in?


    In We Are Who We Are she looks beautiful, although I'm not mad on the / makeup / glitter. 

  4. I direct this to you as I've noticed multiple posts of you calling her old, we all have our opinion, you may like it, others won't and others will but I thought it was very weird and It looks like trolling to me tbh :/, just curious if you really like Lana as you're bashing her so much?

    I'm not bashing her, I'm saying she is naturally gorgeous and her stylists are making her look old

  5. Wow, you're so hateful towards Lana everytime I read one of your posts, do you even like her? Is her clothes and make-up such a big deal? Isn't her music the reason we love her and should support her and give her contructive criticism, not call her old and awkward? You didn't like the dress, but maybe she did, and that's why she weared it! Of course we can all give our opinion, but I thought this was a fan board. Maybe you're just a troll.

    I'm just saying what others are thinking as 8 people liked it, so it seems that it isn't just me who thinks this. It's a compliment to Lana~ if she can look great when she chooses her own clothes without a ton of makeup then she's lucky. I just think her stylist and makeup artists aren't great and she looks awkward as a result of these unflattering outfits.

  6. I am sending you a PM with a link I found. It has most of her unreleased stuff, except for demos. It includes some snippets too which have fake titles because people don't know the real ones.


    Just note that "Boys" is "Too Many Boys," "Catch Me If You Can" is "Catch Me If U Can" and "My Space" isn't by Sky.



    Listen to it and you may love it! I see some people think the EP is a grower.

    thanks so much!

  7. could anyone possibly send me her whole discography? even released stuff. i seem to have moved my files somewhere on my computer and cannot find it anywhere  :icant:


    it would be amazing if someone could, but don't worry about going out of your way to do it. 

  8. aw how can you guys hate that it was adorable.


    it's so terrible but has this cute charm about it which makes it work somehow. it's sweet. i know everyone's saying she looks beautiful and the best she's looked in her videos, but tbh i don't think she looks her best in it..

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