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About Agnese13

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    Latvia, Riga

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  1. Sorry, I just saw this. Yeah, I'd love to. I'm also meeting up with my friend who lives in Warsaw...so yeah, u can msg me
  2. I just thought how fun exactly this might have been, considering it's Gaga's bday and there had to be fountains of alcohol...
  3. I think there has to be at least a few more Europe dates, like festivals n stuff. If not, I'm heading to Moscow, at least it's not over the ocean and relatively close to my city. Haven't seen Lanz in 3 years
  4. My favorite from UV. I can't even express how beautiful it is. For me it just evokes a very nostalgic feeling, of how things used to be in my past. Of the people I was once friends with, of all those special moments I shared with them, yet somewhere that friendship faded away and all that stayed is loneliness. Of how simple life was, that happiness was there, it's just that I never knew it and now it's all gone. I just want it hear live so bad, I would prob be a wreck, but I have to...
  5. Coz it's you, it's you, it's all for you....Video Games Lana, you are the bestest ♥
  6. Hmmm, weeeelll.... Question I always have wanted to ask her is about God, like where does her faith in God come from and why is she such a strong believer? What does heaven mean to her? I actually can't think of anything else, but that question about God is smth I seriously want to know
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