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Everything posted by EXODUS


    Melanie Martinez

    Yeah, most of those TikTok celebrities-turn-to-singers have zero future. I'm still shocked that Grimes worked with her, but oh well, she changed a lot as well, I can barely recognize her, but her music is still good lol

    Melanie Martinez

    Can this bitch come back already? At this rate most of the gays will stan hard for Bella Poarch and will think Melanie is ripping her sound off lol
  3. Back in March everyone was witch hunting 111 and now must of his detractors are too busy playing Sky nonexistent new album all day long lol Right? Too bad no one warned the girls.
  4. Waiting for that editor to leak his version of the music video
  5. A minute of silence for all the fans who thought that by August we would have an album release date and info. This is Downhill Lullaby all over again.

    Melanie Martinez

    Oh my, I really thought I was the only one who felt like this haha.

    Melanie Martinez

    Yup, her sound is very similar, just change Melanie baby aesthetic for a slutty robot aesthetic and that's how you get a musical image and sound for Bella Poarch. Her music is not bad but you can tell how awful unoriginal she is and how very lifeless she sounds. It's a shame because there's nothing bad with her music but at the same time there's nothing noteworthy from her. She's just another social media star who is popular enough to become whatever she wants to become lol. And Grimes is there to support her, because that's the new Grimes. She loves to hop on trends, be an internet persona and stop working on her own music to produce others.

    Melanie Martinez

    I was listening to Bella Poarch's debut EP and it kinda reminds me to Melanie Martinez sound. It's sorta like a "what if Melanie released a second album that took the Cry Baby sound and make it more basic and mainstream" sound.


    Thank you! I messaged you back ☺
  10. EXODUS


    Am I the only one who cares about Stagger?
  11. EXODUS


    Little Halseys, I'm looking for a nice audio rip of 1121 rock version live. Does anyone have a file to share? Please
  12. EXODUS


    I was praying for a solo version of that song. The production is really good, I love when she goes dark af.
  13. Right? I see nothing romantic in that lol but OK, there are some real masochists (no pun intended).
  14. Yup, it's impossible this will get released this year. It's August and we have 4 months left. There's no DF music video. The album is not finished yet. Sky said she wants a traditional album rollout/release, so she's expecting this: At least another single or two (with music videos) Physical CDs Vinyls Merch TV performaces There's no way the album is out this year, who knows next year... I have more hopes for a NTMT 10th Anniversary release next year than a new album lol
  15. EXODUS


    She warned us, but we decided to stan for her throughout two album eras and the end up like 🤡 Farewell Miss Kills. Hello Mrs Moon.
  16. Not digging this one but I'm glad her old demos are leaking.
  17. She came back to modeling with a punch! Such a great photoshoot. Don't worry, you will find many assholes until you find the perfect one for you, just be patient ♥ I promise.
  18. Someone leak a Pretty Dull snippet please.
  19. EXODUS


    My favorite album is III as it had a greater impact in my life when it came out (and also because of how experimental she went, wow). But I agree that The Altar is her strongest effort yet. It's alternative pop but still have a big mainstream edge that can earworm any casual pop listener. On the other side, Goddess to me is very niche, it's an album that most fans of alt pop and electronic music can enjoy. Meanwhile, Serpentina is her most mainstream album to date, it feels like it's her shot to attract new casual listeners thanks to Spotify and Apple Music playlists and algorithm. All her 4 albums are vastly different yet as a whole they carry their own personal and distinctive music sound.
  20. Not quite, there are a quite few men that are absolutely nice and caring. Just like there are also women who are complete assholes and cheat on their men. But yeah, I understand, poor Sky, she has had terrible luck with her relationships. But hey, maybe now that she is 30 she will have more luck than in her 20s. Luckier in every aspect. Both personally and in her career.
  21. She can, she just needs to make a devil with the devil just like some of her peers did (or being a good mainstream label girl, which is the same lol).
  22. Well at least we all know that bad relationships turns into bops with great angry lyrics.
  23. Agree, anyone can easily tell that she used to have some issues with drugs back then, but I see her now in a healthier place. True. And it's pretty clear there was a point of her life where she was under the influence of drugs often. I'm glad she's now healthier, you can easily tell she's not using drugs (either at all or not that often when she's in public). It's hard to now if she was a drug addict back then or just a heavy user, because there was a time where she was drugged most of her time in public. But she's not in that place anyone, she seems like she either uses drugs in a more responsible way or maybe she is not using them anymore. As long as she's healthy and happy.
  24. Seems like there are three types of fans here: 1. The ones who get upset when someone call her a drug addict. 2. The ones who romanticize Sky and drugs and see that as an aesthetic or a vibe. 3. The ones who know she uses drugs and doesnt care if she's an addict or not, or if it's part of her "aesthetic or vibe", they just want music from her.
  25. EXODUS


    Underdog Better Crowded Places Are 1000x better than some of the songs on Serpentina. I know they are outtakes from The Altar, but it's crazy how these great songs didn't find a home on an album but some songs like "Spirit" did lol
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