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Everything posted by EXODUS

  1. OK, I would understand it can happen once, but twice? What a joke.

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Now that she's independent, it's time for her to release that unreleased songs album. It's so good, yas, thanks.
  3. I remember an insider mentioned that Guardian was scrapped from the album. Maybe that's why the song is not on the setlist. I really hope it didn't happen to Descending as well. I don't want Descending to become the new Pretty Dull. #LeakPrettyDull
  4. I'm glad she wasn't out of tune. The Facebook page "Indietronica" claimed she was lol. And ugh, it sucks that her band messed out. Poor Sky.

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Why she didn't add it to the deluxe? It would've made the album so much better. The biggest problem with ADIAML is the excess of ballads.
  6. I could understand that she blames Capitol Records for the problems regarding funding her projects, promoting and releasing her music. Specially releasing her music. Ever since she announced Masochism she has been VERY VOCAL that the lack of releases is because her label won't let her release her music... Yet there is no finished album. How come? She kept promising music in 2017-2019, as if the album was pretty much ready to get released but her label would sabotage her. But now that is 2022 and her music is starting to get released now she claims the album is not finished yet and that's why there is no release date. Now the problem is her and not the label. But what about how her last two shows have been pretty messy? I'm talking about Pitchfork 2019 and now Primavera 2022. Now there is no label behind her actions or decisions to blame. It's now just her. Or is she now blaming the venue? Is she blaming her bad luck? Is she blaming tech issues? What's she's blaming now? Or is she finally ready to accept that if something goes wrong it MAY be her own fault and she needs to up her game? I just fin it very weird how everything is happening around her and I don't know what's going on with her, but I don't blame people that says that she's still struggling with drugs, because that's the only reasonable situation that I might think for this lack of professionalism and bad moments. It's just plain dumb that it just happens to her and it keeps happening just to her every single damn time. I just want her to fucking win and impress her fans just like her peers do.
  7. I read many tweets and comments from people that attended the show saying the whole thing was a mess, she was singing out of tune, tech issues and that there was no good coordination between her and the band. Is all that true?

    Kate Bush

    Make sure to check this one out guys. https://www.dongrays.com/kate-bush/mp3/
  9. 20 minutes late lol What's her fucking excuse now? There's always something wrong or bad, I don't think it's bad luck at this point.
  10. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Finally! She's coming to Mexico!
  11. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Whoa thanks, I'm very happy to read this. Sonic sister is very accurate.
  12. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    The Family Jewels is too Kate Bush-ish to ignore.
  13. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I'm shook, I really really though she was very influenced by Kate or at least she listened to Kate. I really thought I read somewhere that she was a Kate fan. And God knows I have been a diamond since 2010, what the effin hell. I'm shook and not gonna lie, a little disappointed haha
  14. Just like we never got a certain Grimes music video lol Also it wouldn't be the first time that Sky has filmed a music video and didn't get out. But oh well, is Sky after all.
  15. EXODUS


    At this point I believe it might leak before she announces it lol Just like what happened with Vulnicura. Most of her albums always leak ahead of its release.
  16. EXODUS


    I really want her to move on as quickly as possible and release a new album. I would settle down for an outtake compilation. But it's more likely that she will release a deluxe, now there's no label to "stop her".
  17. EXODUS

    Avril Lavigne

    What a fucking amazing remaster. Every single song sound more polished and even different I would dare to say. To me this album used to be a 10/10 but now is a 11/10.
  18. She played those two during her last two Pitchfork shows.
  19. EXODUS


    I don't find it cringey but I won't say I love that part, is just something odd she decided to add.
  20. EXODUS

    Kim Petras

    Her cover feels very empty and uneventful. I would rather have her do a cover with her own style (sorta like what Within Temptation and Placebo did). This feels like a karaoke cover lol
  21. EXODUS


    No, you are right, Goddess production is very dated, but at least it was innovative back then. Serpentina just sounds bland and generic.
  22. EXODUS

    Kim Petras

    It's on that D**EE site. That's how I got to listen to it.
  23. EXODUS


    Sawzall is perhaps her best song ever.
  24. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    She is in the point of her career where she doesn't need to be an opener act.
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