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Everything posted by frozenfever

  1. Are you kidding me... I was hoping it leaked before I left for work!!
  2. Does anyone know what the Target poster is going to look like?
  3. Does the lack of cohesiveness of the tracks take away from the tracks though? I think that's why it's my favorite Lana album, because all of the tracks sound different than each other. If they all sound similar then IMO they start to blend together and lose their uniqueness.
  4. I know we're not supposed to wish for a leak, but I'm hoping we hear it before. At the very least get to hear the 1:30 iTunes clips.
  5. I'd be more inclined to believe that if more people were being respectful of opinions they didn't agree with. And I'm only sensitive when people shit on other's opinions.
  6. Obviously, but there's a difference between being constructive and being a dick.
  7. It's not even called In Your Car for one... And who cares if it's "cliche"... that just showing your true colors as a fan that you distance yourself from it because of it being "cliche". That's pretty cliche of what douchey hipsters do.
  8. This is a minute thing to bring up, but I wonder why she made an interlude track once and never since. I adore Burnt Norton... such a nice track to calm down with.
  9. I mean I'm still saying she's talking about Topanga from Boy Meets World
  10. That's true, I forgot about that! I can see the paint connection but all of Norman's paintings were so 1950's Americana. I know it would be too obvious to have someone paint her in the style of a Rockwell painting, but I think that would have been cool.
  11. I still don't really get the album cover, not that the others had any relation to their respective albums.
  12. I don't get the hate for LS, the snippet was lovely and the full song (LQ I know) hasn't changed my mind.
  13. I've pre-ordered two copies so my body is ready, plus I imagine artists don't get diddle from streams which is how most people listen to music now anyway
  14. Ignore the a**hats... I imagine they're the same ones who sneer upon those who aren't buying the vinyl or cassette. And since the clown talk has died down I'm reviving it Me checking my phone every ten minutes waiting for the HQ leak
  15. If Love Song leaked in HQ I'd be fine for two weeks tbh
  16. NFR, Love song, and Cinnamon (Next Best American Record is definitely honorable mention)
  17. I like it! Sounds so much better than the snippet we got.
  18. I didn't know post count and online time coincide with the validity of opinions.
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