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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. That's because her fanbase was already there. Where as BTD GOT HER HER FANBASE. And overall.... BTD Sales are better and more.
  2. That's not what the sales say. but I'm not here to argue. I'm a girl. And Yes. Lanaboard Users look waaaaaaaaayyyyyy deeper into things than we probably should. And a lot of normal people, say, radio listeners don't usually care for the lyrics all too much, if the song sounds good. But I'm really not here to argue on anything. That was just my thoughts on the matter.
  3. Yeah..... That wasn't the point. The point was that Lana Boards Users are different than the common ppl. I was talking more about mainstream media...... You highlighted the wrong part, if we were going on my thoughts about BTD over UV.
  4. I LOVE THE LYRICS!!!!!! THE SOUND WAS SO FUCKIN BORING. (plus they all sounded the same) Listen, I'm not doubting Lana's ability. She's great. She's my fave. But Sirens was enough to put me in a coma for a couple months if not a year. Those lyrics are beauties. I'll give it to you.
  5. You have more faith in humanity than I do. lol But seriously. I hope Lana shocks us all with her next album! Maybe it'll (HONESTLY) be a mix of all her albums.
  6. Sometimes sound is more important than lyrics.. I feel like us, the fanbase on Lanaboards, care more about lyrics than the common person. Most common listeners are more about if it sounds good, then they'll like it.
  7. I don't like Alexandra at all. But I do really love Misbelieving!
  8. ..........Sirens was terrible. Why you think she left it so quick(or didnt do it professionally really). Just because it's what you liked personally, doesn't mean its pleasing the masses. Which BTD did. Sorry to break ya heart. And the lyrics were great! Like I've always said. Lana's lyrical quality has been THE SAME to me. But it's all a matter of opinion so okay. And yes I am a fan of boppy music. And if you read ahead I did say that I know she's not going back to it. But I do prefer it.
  9. I'm glad the thread is back lol. I'm not a stan, but I do enjoy her music lol (and plus I need info and yall always have it first)
  10. Idk why yall think she doesn't like BTD that much. She wouldn't sing the songs so much. She was even happier as a person during that time. But as a person she has grown up a bit so the sound is probably dead to her. So I'm not super bitter over it. Because its her best album. Now that I think about it. lmao the song WAS happy. It just sounded sad. So I agree we need more. YEESSSSSSS! Honestly, I'm not hurt over the production and the lyrics of HM. What went wrong with that album was how FUCKING SLOW it was. It just needed a pickup of pace. It was a sleep inducing album. Almost all of it blends into each other and sounds similar.
  11. PLEEEASE JESUS STOP HATING. I'm hoping for another BTD "A new york state of mind" PLEEEAASE. But nooo seriously, I know another BTD isn't possible. She's moved on from that mindset, so let's be honest with ourselves. BUUUT, I'm ready for a new album. BRING IT LANA. ANYTHING EXCEPT HONEYMOON AND ACOUSTIC(MARY JAILER TYPES) Oh.... and no jazz, because it's never really jazz.
  12. lollol When it leaked. Or rather when I got it, it was like both. It was hypened like Spotlight Delight(Stoplight De-lite) or Stop lite delight it was weird. But that's besides the point. the pun is cute, the song is cute, the "fly like bird" and then giggle.
  13. Spotlight Delight is an underrated song. It's so cute.
  14. Literally the best song on the album. Even though the whole album is fucking excellent!
  15. That song was so bad. Florence's voice is just not it. This album was really lackluster. On one hand, all you Emile Haynie haters..... he did make a beat that wasn't boring. The song was bad, but at least the beat didn't sound the same as his others lol.
  16. Honestly, I didn't like it all that much. Which was sad because I really wanted to. I really do love Diamond Heart, Perfect Illusion, and Joanne tho. Some had good verses and then weak choruses. So it's like with the other songs there were point where I loved parts but then I was disappointed by other parts. Angel Down was really beautiful too.
  17. I listened to Diamond Heart. I'll finish the rest once I finish watching this movie. Omg I love Diamond Heart its fun.
  18. Born To Die: National Anthem. It's perfect, it has all the great qualities. The visuals, the theme, the sound. Literal perfection. (or Off to the Races honestly) Paradise Edition: Gods & Monsters. There was a lot to be done with this song, that she didn't. So I'm obviously hurt. Ultraviolence: Florida Kilos for obvious reasons. Honeymoon:...... honestly most were snores(I love them but snores) soooo single wise this was hard. So Blackest Day. (btw I'm not saying slow songs dont make airplay, I'm just saying Lana has a different type of slow.)
  19. Her first mixtape is one of her best. This album was trash. Her mixtapes are all better than that album or anything she's released recently.... ugh.
  20. You have really bad hearing. I swear. Resistance is the ultimate pop bop. And... Are you even a Lana fan? What's your favorite song?
  21. ................. I think Grimes music is terrible. But that's sad that she got booed. No one deserves that.
  22. I agree that eras do have to end. But I disagree about HM. Her lyrics in Honeymoon were good. But not all that. The sound has gotten worse too. Honestly despite popular opinion, her lyrics quality have been pretty consistent. The stories have changed but for most part the lyrics are still the same.
  23. Okay... Lana's fucking the dirty biker looking guys again..... but with that kinda thing happening, she can prob give us some more songs like Ride and shit. (although I'm still holding out for some pop/BTD lana)
  24. She's 31..... she can rap.... Nicki Minaj is 33...... As long as she's in her 30's she can still rap. Looks have nothing to do with anything. But.... for some reason I kinda agree. She doesn't "look" like she'd ever go back to the rap thing. (and yes this is coming from the biggest BTD stan) I wish and hope she will. But it doesn't seem likely.
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