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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. SarcasticBeauty


    Deleted the rest because there's no point in arguing with you. You brought it upon yourself to feel some type of way about it. I never directed the post towards you. Anyways... To go with the positivity of this album Weaker Girl was very cute.
  2. SarcasticBeauty


    ....unpopular opinion alert. lol I didn't think Trainwreck was all that. It was good. But the rapping was wordy and overrated. I think This Is Not About Us would be a more common liked song to be a single.
  3. SarcasticBeauty


    Its good. Judas+Poltergeist+Haunt are my favs.
  4. SarcasticBeauty


    I guess there's not gonna be a "Leak", but I do know some people who actually do have "the leak". It's low quality. Kind of like a recorded while its playing out loud kind of sound.
  5. SarcasticBeauty


    That's just as bad of a torture. We need the music with the lyrics. So it'd be a waste of time.
  6. SarcasticBeauty


    My wig was released from my scalp days ago. I'm ready now. *stomps foot* lol
  7. SarcasticBeauty


    You're annoying. That's it. And I didn't mention you.... so that shoe must be fitting. I'm ready for music.
  8. SarcasticBeauty


    We can't ever just have a time where those anti-leak people don't come on to rain on the fun and hope huh? It's gonna leak. That's a given.(she's not beyonce or Drake) The only question is when.
  9. SarcasticBeauty


    That's what I'm saying I took a good nap. I thought by now it would be ready....
  10. SarcasticBeauty


    watch... I'll take a quick nap and it'll leak while I'm asleep. It'll be just my luck lol
  11. SarcasticBeauty


    To the Hilt... it actually grew on me. Very somber. And sweet in a way? "But I miss you on my team." I just really enjoyed the fact that it sounds less bitter and more thinking about the past.
  12. SarcasticBeauty


    Off Topic But I really love your signature.... I was so disappointed when Lana didn't singing it like that on the studio version. But anyway, I NEED THIS NOW! More specifically Haunt.... idk that one seems like.... I'm gonna like it a lot.
  13. I actually like Axl Rose Husband a lot. Specially the part "You're my one king daddy, I'm your little red white and blue." Idk why.
  14. SarcasticBeauty


    No but on a serious note. Which one is your fav?
  15. SarcasticBeauty


    Well give it to one os us... we'll do it for you.
  16. SarcasticBeauty


    So you're just gonna tease us????
  17. SarcasticBeauty


    So.... I have the album pre-ordered.... but when is it gon leak... lmao I'm ready.
  18. SarcasticBeauty


    Nevermind.. found it on Atrl.... it's.... something..... I don't like it at all tbh.
  19. YALL ARE FUCKING KILLING ME! LOL Cuz yall on drugs obviously.
  20. Just watch the next post.... cuz they obvi know how to post videos lol But anyway, that was adorable! lol
  21. We had the EP before she released it. lmao I AGREE. lol
  22. I'm not epileptic but that video could have made me..... It was... something. It matched the song in a way of the rock mosh pit thing. But ahn. It was okay. The various ponytail lengths was an observation of mine lol.
  23. I love Lucky Ones. And although I love every song on BTD my most skipped were Carmen and Lolita.
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