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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. Personally not to me. I've been listening to her since literally In Case We Die, and I listened to her change her sounds. And the album just sound like.. well to me... like she's not taking her time and putting as much effort into them. That's just to me.
  2. It's not baby talk. She's calling a him a "dum dum" like the word Dumb. lol but okay! I mean this is the unpopular lana opinions. So, disagreements will happen.
  3. The beat is really cute. I think I'm a fan of mixtape Tinashe... her 1st album was not for me. And so far all the singles for the new one havent been either. Like on the album there's always a couple of songs I like, when I use to love whole projects.... so idk.
  4. .... I really love Swine...... It's not as good as G.U.Y but its good.
  5. That song has it all. A cute beat, GREAT lyrics, and a cute Lana sound. The lyrics are about Lana being a bad influence on a boy who has his life figured out. She's ultimately gonna be his downfall. "I'm coming over baby you can't go to school today, dum dum."
  6. LMAOOO DAMN. I'll admit that I was wrong! AF. It feels like she's been on this kick for a long as time.
  7. Dum Dum is magnificence, beautiful, angelic, greatness.
  8. No you said and I quote "I really hope she doesn't release everything right away, right after she finished the CB era (in my own opinion it'd be too much), I'm hoping she'll finish writing and having the album produced then release it in Spring," So What I was saying is that who cares if she releases new music right AFTER she puts out those music videos. You talkin bout a rush. That's not rushing. Music videos are not new music. Its songs we've been hearing for years now, a visual that we don't really need. Vs a new never heard song.
  9. No one does. lol Hell is where you belong lol.
  10. Yikes.... lets let Lana leave acoustics in the May Jailer era.
  11. END THIS MOTHAFUCKIN ERA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. IT would not be too quick. If the last vid comes out in December I hope the album is pressed and ready by January, the latest, February. TF. You actin like videos is equalling to new music.
  12. ...... You need taste. And Borence and the Machine would be a cute feature. Beside Queen Bey would prob pass on a 3rd year. Anyway, my fav unreleased would have to be Animal or Monster... lmao I love them. And Paparazzi as a released will always be a fuckin fav. Prob the best song.
  13. The album should release early NEXT year. le sigh. Hopefully she gives us a couple of looseys this year.
  14. SarcasticBeauty


    I NEEED TO HEAR Poltergeist. And I love Judas by Gaga, but I can add another Judas song on my playlist lol. HAUNT IS THE SHIT. FIIIIIIIRE.
  15. SarcasticBeauty


    I LOVE Weaker Girl and Judas sounds really good. Haunt is cute. Mother Earth is..... its there. and 27 Hours is okay.
  16. SarcasticBeauty


    I wanna hear em! AHHH
  18. SarcasticBeauty


    This Is Not About Us is a cute 90's sounding song. I like it. I may even grow to love it. I wont listen to it too many times till the album comes out so I wont be sick of it when I listen to the album, cuz I don't want to have a biased opinion on it(like when its boring cuz you already heard a live version too much). But its cute. ------------ EDITED: I listened to it again... I LOVE it. OMG ITS SUCH A GREAT SONG!
  19. I didn't read the rest of this well. But anyway lmao I'm one of those users cuz I do want BTD back. But anyway, it's interesting to see where Gaga will take this lol
  20. I guess..... You're one of those people aren't you.....yikes.
  21. Was hoping for at least one song that didn't leak.... but okay.
  22. She been had a nose job since like Poker Face. LOL
  23. The slow down preview sounded 10X better than this. Ew. I WANT THAT SONG INSTEAD.
  24. I'm just gonna say it... BECAUSE IT WAS BORING. like let's be real. ... she can take her time. She doesn't have to put a song out, but it'd be appreciated.
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