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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. I'm not trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. But people have moods. Think about yourself. Sometimes you're in a good mood, and sometimes youre not. Yes because you bought VIP she has to be nice to you. But wouldn't you be annoyed when people are in your face 24/7 and you just want to get something over with. I don't think she's a snob, just new at handling her fame.
  2. Please let that era die and never come back. EVER. I hope Lana never does a Snoreymoon or May Jailer stuff ever again. (I love Honeymoon but it's boring) (May Jailer was just.... just.....mind numbing.)
  3. WELP. IN MY OPINION.... SHE NEEDS TO HIRE A PRODUCER. She sounds really bad to me. Like terrible. Like... All over the place mess. That's Lana's opinion (who once didn't like Lady Gaga so can I trust her music taste opinion?) vs how I and that other person feels. That's it.
  4. Everyone has their opinions guys...... To that person... and me.... she's not very good.
  5. I'd highkey LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT. Just because he's a dick doesn't mean he doesn't have good ear. He can make GREAT music. Not necessarily that recent album tho. But he's a great producer. Yall can hate the man, not hate on the talent.
  6. That's not gonna happen. She wants a video for every song remember. Siiigh.
  7. Just sitting on top of it. At least she was making the cookies and milk and we were getting someone other than herself in it. Like the wolf character. At least we coulda got an Alphabet boy instead of random hands.
  8. Tag Your It is def my fav song. But weird enough I prefer the Milk and Cookies part of the video.
  9. ...idk she did exactly what the songs said. That's what we needed. I woulda been annoyed if we got her sittin there in a pink room with a fridge again.
  11. Does anyone else think that in Alphabet Boy she should have said "If you dangle that diploma and I DECK you, dont be surprised." I feel like "DEAD you" sounds stupid and isnt even correct slang. It sounds weird to say and makes the sentence structure awkward.
  12. SarcasticBeauty


    I have no feelings about Mind Games yet to be honest. I don't hate it, I don't love it. It's just there. I think the chorus will have to grow on me. I really enjoyed the verses though.
  13. I need that first one. I dont give a fuuck about covers or early demos.
  14. SarcasticBeauty


    Tbh Banks is just not trying. That video was pointless and looks like her other videos but with a different outfit. She should be more creative with her videos tbh. but I mean the song is good so I'll just make sure to only expect good music from her, not good music videos. I thought the same thing.
  15. Late at night, laying in Versailles
  16. I'm not a fan of edits or remixes. But this sounded really good. I can def picture the video with this.
  17. I laughed hysterically at this.
  18. ......"but youre the best I've ever seen, I'm your dying beauty queen." Is Marina and the Diamonds lyrics. Evol....... yall.....
  19. Shit. I didn't see this. But I only made a post for True Love so it doesnt matter. BUUUT For Motel 6 "Ladies in the backyard bras and kicks"? 3 years Maybe the last line is something something "Go to Versailles"?
  20. Okay.... but what's taking her so long???
  21. She just posted this. So hopefully she's just gonna take this as losing battle and give us all new stuff. Wishful thinking I know. But.... hopefully.
  22. A quick google search isnt an interview tho or details on her life...... but anyway this is all that I've heard from someone cuz I don't watch porn. So who cares really. Its prob not about her. Prob just about the fact that Alexis rhymes with Texas and that it's a fake name. Still going with the song being about a prostitute tho. Why the fuck would she bring a white girl? I mean yeah cocaine, but it's also a reference to life like a double meaning. BUT again whatever.... to each it own with opinions. Yours could be right. Mines could be right. Ahhh the beauty of song writing.
  23. Yeah that was the song I was talking about. lol AND YES. I WAS HEARING LANA too. But I was like.... let me keep this to myself soo I dont look crazy.
  24. No its about the porn star Alexis Texas lol. Apparently she had to sell her body at a younger age because she had nowhere to live and no family or something like that. P.s early on I said some of her songs sounded like a Rihanna track.... but I digress. lol
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