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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I’m sorry?!? this looks like a second NFR photoshoot. So gorgeous, my goddd
  2. AKA, UV, and NFR are my favorite Lana albums to listen to in the summer. AKA feels like noon on a late May or early June day, UV is June/July mid summer heat in the middle of the afternoon, and NFR is the evening into dusk into nighttime of one of the last days of summer (late August/early September). The perfect summer trifecta.
  3. Well this really hurts… Britney has been dealt a really bad deck of cards in the game of life. Britney and Sam have revealed that they “lost their miracle baby early in the pregnancy.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CdjQLP6vzCW/ Less than a year ago, Britney revealed she has been wanting to have another baby but hasn’t been able to due to an IUD that her conservators wouldn’t let her have taken out. From what I remember, there have been interviews with her saying she wanted another child since the early 2010s. She finally became free from her conservatorship in November, and recently revealed she was pregnant. Now, this happens. So devastating.
  4. Clearly a fake fan here, but what tension is he talking about? Is there stuff we’ve known about UV that I haven’t yet heard about Lana being unhappy with it? How did Dan push for the album like other users have mentioned?
  5. As someone who despises cheesy things (songs, TV shows, movies, music videos, etc.), I have to give special appreciation to Video Games for being a love song that is sad sounding. Instead of a cheesy cheery love song, I have one that’s melancholic and beautiful and makes me feel all the emotions.
  6. This is such a fun idea!! 1. Yellow (Off to the Races, Art Deco, Florida Kilos, Cherry) 2. Pink (Yes to Heaven, Watercolor Eyes) This is purely for Yes to Heaven only. Watercolor Eyes annoys me, but Yes to Heaven is so good that it makes it worth it for me. Blue (For Free/Beautiful) is the worst table imo.
  7. it’s in the music video
  8. Oh wow, interesting. T4p. I always thought it was widely loved because I never see any hate for it, a good amount of people seem to love it, and Lana made it a single. Justice for Bartender though.
  9. One of my favorite things about this album is that it feels like the end of the day of one of the last days of summer. The album begins at evening time just before sunset. There’s a dark storm on the horizon, but the sun is still shining and everything is still golden. Then, the album progresses through sunset, through dusk, through the storm, and into nighttime by the end. It’s that bittersweet feeling of the end of the era and the celebration around that, but also the melancholy of knowing it’s over. NFR was released around this time of year in the northern hemisphere. It was also released at the end of the best summer of my adult life so far and not too long before the pandemic where everything in my life changed significantly and permanently. It’s one of my top two favorite albums of all time. I’m so grateful that I have it and all of the memories and feelings that are attached to it. It was horrible waiting a year for the album to be released since MAC dropped, but now, I’m so appreciative that it was released when it was.
  10. The greatest is one of my least favorite tracks on NFR. I don’t dislike it, but I always forget about it, and if I’m not listening to the album in full, I usually skip it.
  11. Watched the first 3 episodes last night. It’s SO good. I’m excited to go home tonight just to watch. Trying not to binge so I can appreciate it more.
  12. I liked her first album born to die but then she got boring after that. all her music sounds the same.
  13. Gimme More - 15 Piece of Me - 15 Radar - 14 Break The Ice - 15 Heaven On Earth - 18 Get Naked (I Got a Plan) - 15 Freakshow - 14 Toy Soldier - 15 Hot As Ice - 15 (+) Ooh Ooh Baby - 15 Perfect Lover - 16 Why Should I Be Sad - 15 Outta This World - 14 Get Back - 16 Everybody - 14 (-)
  14. super cute. imagine being famous and having to stress about someone asking to take a photo with you everywhere you went though.
  15. No one dies from love
  16. Song Fav: Venice Bitch Best: Video Games Least Fav: Beautiful Worst: When the World Was at War Album Fav: NFR Best: NFR Least Fav: Blue Banisters Worst: Lust For Life
  17. 9 months after Britney told the world that her abusers from the conservatorship weren’t allowing her to get pregnant by forcing her to keep an IUD in… Britney’s pregnant, y’all!
  18. This just proves to me that Lana has something special in her voice alone. I sat through the whole Father John Misty version on Spotify thinking Lana’s voice would come in at some point, and I was so bored and wanted to skip. Listening to Lana’s version is just… wow. I love it. She managed to make a song that I didn’t like at all a song that I really enjoyed just with her voice, everything else the same. What an artist!
  19. This has probably been said a million times at this point, BUT I purposefully didn’t listen to any songs that were released before the whole COTCC album was released, so I didn’t really think about it until now, so… Releasing Let Me Love You Like a Woman as the lead single was a CHOICE. It’s not a bad song, but choosing it as the song that’s supposed to pull people into the era was an interesting strategy. It’s definitely not a song I would’ve chosen to release as a single, but especially the lead one. I know this is Lana’s album and her work, not mine, so she has every right to design her eras the way she wants to, but just saying. There are so many songs that are more interesting and unique on the album, that have more character. I’m starting to see why so many of y’all were upset now, especially with that single cover art lol.
  20. Ultraviolence: on a boat on a sunny day in June AKA: midwest road trip in summer on a sunny, dry day
  21. I remember that Born to Die (the album) sounded so depressing and sad to me when I first was listening to it. Now, I listen to it, and a lot of it seems rather upbeat or at least mid tempo and not really depressing to me. Like I used to go to the album when I was feeling very down and low energy, and now when I’m down/low energy, if I try to listen to BTD, I’m like, “this shit is too upbeat.” I think this is either a reflection on how overly positive and upbeat pop music of the early 2010s/late 2000s was that Born to Die sounded super sad and slow in comparison (hello cultural shock/cultural reset that Lana introduced), or the fact that I’ve just become majorly used to sad music to the point where it doesn’t feel sad to me, just comforting.
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