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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. NFR Ultraviolence AKA Honeymoon Born to Die Chemtrails Sirens Paradise Blue Banisters Lust For Life
  2. The run of Sad Girl —> Pretty When You Cry —> Money Power Glory —> Fucked My Way Up to the Top is so underrated and might be my favorite of 4-track run of any of her albums
  3. I’ve tried slayyyter but didn’t get super into the songs I’ve listened to. Haven’t heard the other artists though. Thanks for the reccs!
  4. im dead serious. No one makes hype trashy fun pop anthems and albums like this anymore. Reminds me of early 2010s pop.
  5. Slut Pop is my favorite album/EP/project since NFR
  6. This is generally how I listen to these albums. I combined my favorites from each album into one album/playlist I call “Blue Chemtrails:” White Dress Chemtrails Over the Country Club Tulsa Jesus Freak Wildflower Wildfire Nectar of the Gods Not All Who Wander Are Lost Black Bathing Suit If You Lie Down With Me Dealer Dark But Just a Game Wild at Heart Blue Banisters Breaking Up Slowly Yosemite Cherry Blossom I scratched out the two I was most iffy on having in the playlist to get it down to 13 songs.
  7. I didn’t label myself that. You did. And I said I didn’t care if you did because opinions of strangers on the internet about who I am do not matter to me.
  8. Me enjoying and supporting an album isn’t going to change that. Thanks for being so judgmental though. This bandwagoning and moral superiority attitude that online anonymity fosters is not how real face-to-face conversations work. I miss when people were more empathetic and open minded to views that weren’t their own. Why not agree to disagree instead of insulting me? Enjoy your high horse I guess.
  9. I’m just going to speak my truth here, however unpopular it may be. This is the most excited I’ve been about any album in I seriously don’t know how long. I’ve missed this kind of empowering, hype (not hyper) pop so much. I love the oversexualization of it. The lyrics and vibes generally just make me laugh and smile. Just hearing the beginning of Slut Pop makes me smile. I love how dedicated she’s been to her “porn era” like what she did for her website. I just think it’s fun, empowering, and I love it. I think it’s genius. I don’t like that she’s working with Dr. Luke or Larry Rudolf, but l I want her and the album to succeed and do well because I enjoy it so much, plus the trans representation. I want this kind of pop to come back. Call me a rape apologist, lacking in taste, or whatever you want, but this album and era made me fan. I’ll be steaming it and might even buy it to show my support. And I like it better than anything else she’s done previously.
  10. hate to be this rude but I think people who don’t like this EP are boring
  11. listening to this at work on my headphones makes me so self conscious that it’s actually playing out loud and I’m not realizing it
  12. https://www.kimpetras.com/ Holy shit have you guys seen her website?
  13. I would TOTALLY buy a physical CD, especially since an actual disk is already designed.
  14. This EP is exactly what I wanted when I first heard the snippet or Treat Me Like a Slut. It’s perfect!
  15. This EP has made me more excited for her music than I ever have been (only have a few songs saved, have never really followed her as an artist), yet everywhere I go, people are just trashing her and the EP Shitty time to become a fan I guess
  16. I think this one is the closest to the actual meaning of my username. Urban + Britney =
  17. My boring ass result for “Urbanney” has entered the urban planning chat
  18. how come a computer is like 10x more creative than i am? Blue Banisters is stunning!!
  19. Normally I’ve had mixed feelings about Lana’s 2021 releases but now that I’m tipsy, WOW are they hitting
  20. Off to the Races has to be one of the most unique, innovate, creative songs I’ve ever heard. Anyways, this album and Lana herself completely changed the music game for me, and I think she’s the most influential artist of the past decade. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since I first discovered her. In those 10 years, I still have yet to find another artist that has interested me and drawn me in as much as she has.
  21. thank you bb I’ve heard hyperpop can take a bit to get into but once it clicks, it really clicks, so I’m going to keep trying
  22. Why y’all gotta be rude? I was just saying I feel like I’m missing out on her which makes me sad because I know she has a very dedicated following and is acclaimed as an artist. It was a compliment to her.
  23. I wish I was able to get into her music more and understand the hype. I got into her with her first album True Romance back in 2013, but I didn’t follow after that and now anytime I try to listen to her new music, it just doesn’t click with me.
  24. Why is she consistently so slept on? She’s SO good and has been since her first EP.
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