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Posts posted by npowell

  1. Not sure if the sharp piercing sound of the violin suits the ethereal Bel Air piano melody, it hurts my ear and I had to pause it after a bit but that might be because my head feels like it's exploding and this wasn't helping. I know nothing about the violin but that doesn't sound very peaceful or pleasing LOL maybe it's off tune or whatever? idk musical instruments

    I am a huge, huge sucker for the violin and probs way too biased for anything with a violin to begin with. But even I can't listen to violin music with a headache.


    I SWEAR I mean this nicely but I'm laughing so hard at the thought of poor you thinking you're getting pretty, relaxing music to soothe your head and then dying from the sound instead. IDK if that came out right sorry lol.

  2. You seem to be completely unaware that Lizzy has been in development for a long time, a close friend said she had been working with top producers and writers in Europe for several years, that's where all the early demos come from.


    This makes me wonder just how many other artists are out there languishing with music that I'd love if I only had the chance to hear it. Kind of crazy. After all, I'd never even heard of Lana until she was on SNL.

  3. Now that it's getting colder out, I've found myself listening to Siberia over and over. It just feels like such a perfect "curled up inside hiding from a winter chill" album. Her harmonies are so beautiful.

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