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About LanaDeIRey

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  • Birthday July 31

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  • Location
    Manchester, UK

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2,300 profile views
  1. Kill Kill - 6 Queen of the Gas Station - 6 Oh Say Can You See - 5 Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) - 4 For K, Part 2 - 6 Jump - 4 Mermaid Motel - 8 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) - 6 Pawn Shop Blues - 4 Put Me in a Movie - 7 Smarty - 3 Yayo - 6
  2. Kill Kill - 5 Queen of the Gas Station - 5 Oh Say Can You See - 4 Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) - 5 For K, Part 2 - 5 Jump - 5 Mermaid Motel - 5 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) - 6 Pawn Shop Blues - 5 Brite Lites - 4 Put Me in a Movie - 6 Smarty - 5 Yayo - 5
  3. Shades of Cool - 28 West Coast - 32 Pretty When You Cry - 19
  4. LanaDeIRey


    Love the "Will my forever love never come back to me?" part. Sounds so nice
  5. Because of You, Boarding School, Breaking My Heart, Children of the Bad Revolution, Daytona Meth, Every Man Gets His Wish, Hawaiian Tropic, Hit and Run, Hundred Dollar Bill, Is It Wrong?, Jealous Girl, Kinda Outta Luck, Maha Maha, Making Out, Match Made in Heaven, Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight, Noir, Paradise, Push Me Down, Queen of Disaster, Scarface, St. Tropez, Trash, Us Against the World, You Can Be the Boss These are all of my favourites.
  6. LanaDeIRey

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Jeans vs. Video Games
  7. A lot of people have a very vague idea of who she is and don't really care much for her. I don't know anyone who is crazy about her like I am but about 2 or 3 people I know listen to her songs often
  8. Does anyone know what the official Sirens tracklist is? I found two different ones and I wanted to know which one is the official. This one and this one (I use the latter)
  9. I think it's just sound from the footage that was playing
  10. Born to Die samples Long Red by Mountain and the voice says "You out there? Louder!": (the thread already exists btw as the above poster already stated)
  11. Last month, Ultraviolence of course. When was the last time you spent money?
  12. I like it. She looks gorgeous
  13. Off to the Races, Push Me Down, Smarty, Raise Me Up, Pawn Shop Blues, Spender, Lift Your Eyes, Daddy Issues...
  14. LanaDeIRey


    And Lorde can dislike Lana if she wants to.
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