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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. Now they’re tying to make her look like a lying fool? Lana needs to take her theraflu and get them boxing gloves on.
  2. I agree. that’s why i said i don’t know how she’d be able to by Thursday. Seems almost impossible but she may be able to by Saturday.
  3. Don’t lose hope! The Chicago fans need to worry though. I don’t see how she’d be able to perform Thursday but maybe she’ll push through it.
  4. she’s probably been under a lot of stress lately and that can throw your immune system into a frenzy. I hope she feels better
  5. I like that she addresssd it last night. Our felon shows no fear and we love her for it.
  6. Is the periscope working for you guys? I can’t seem to connect..
  7. Oops at me threatening to fight the bitches in the front without knowing that they did try to get her to sing get free. Silly me. https://twitter.com/robbiesbaker/status/950149835268722688?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E2
  8. Idk I really don’t think she’s the type of person to do something like that.
  9. Well now we know why she sticks to the same outfit. She has to save her coins just in case things go south.
  10. It is true. I hope that’s not the reason she won’t sing get free live... Im glad she isn’t backing down though. It may sound similar but they are reaching with wanting 100% of the publishing. F*ck outta here grandpa. Oh and i just read the article...why would they want to be credited as songwriters for get free when they didn’t write it? Sounds like dr Luke gave them some tips on how to be grade A sleazebags.
  11. Get free would’ve been a perfect way to end the show but ok
  12. They had the fucking opportunity to tell her heroin and the bitches in the front said ultraviolence?? Im ready to fight
  13. I think she’s just really nervous cause she’s acting more weird than usual
  14. Please spread positivity. I will not be able to handle that.
  15. That’s not a fair statement to make. It’s not ALWAYS the same...she changes her clothes sometimes.
  16. The signed CD i ordered last year has finally shipped.
  17. They clearly lack something that all of us on here have and that’s ears because that was a mumble-jumble mess of a song. The snippet was false advertising.
  18. Yes he is trash but this is a new sound. Out of the Black into the yesss momma era.
  19. Wow my opinion of cherry suddenly changed. The whole song should sound like that.
  20. I hate her for not releasing this song.
  21. I’m really excited to see my girl. Not excited that it’s in the trash can that is Newark - but it should be iconic cause she likes jersey.
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